Saturday, December 3, 2005

Jamie's American Road Trip Episode 2

Versions (possonoi texts have been changed by the authors of the books)

An episode of the war tarentina

Pyrrhus, king of Epirotes, who boasted of being born of Achilles, came to the aid of Tarentines who had declared war by the Senate because they had insulted the ambassadors Romans. Against Pirro was sent to the console Pubbli Sevino Valerio who, after capturing the explorers of the king, he ordered that they were conducted around the camp and were released unharmed, referring to Pirro that what they had seen. After the Romans had attacked and Epirotes battle at Heraclea and because Epirotes retired now defeated, the king ordered that were sent the elephants against the Romans, and this changed the fate of the battle. In fact, the bulk of the animals upset the Romans and the horses were frightened by the sight and smell of the elephants so that brought down the riders and dragged them with him to escape. The night ended the battle. It is said that Pirro had maximum estimate of the Romans captured, having buried the bodies and that when he saw the dead and their grim faces to have exclaimed:-I, if I had these soldiers, to subdue the world. "

Miltiades govern with fairness and justice

settlers, which the Athenians had decided to send in the Chersonese, were sent to Delphi to ask Apollo as master use (s) then in fact the Thracians occupied those areas. Due to this Pythia expressly advised that Miltiades chose for himself as a commander. Since this is the response of the oracle Miltiades, with a contingent choice, left the ships to the Chersonese, and there came a short time. Here, after having scattered the troops of the barbarians, conquered the entire region, Muni fortifications of the suitable places in the fields placed the crowd, which had brought them and enriched by frequent raids. And on that occasion was helped by the wisdom no less than (what) by luck. In fact, after having defeated the armies of enemies with the value of the soldiers with great equity settled things and decided to remain in the same place. In fact, among those retained the office of the King (director), and had not obtained the authority than with justice. And yet lend obedience to the Athenians from which he started. For this command to always maintained at least for the will of those who had sent him as well as those with which he started.


Cimon Cimon the Athenian, son of Miltiades, had property and gardens in many places but it was of great generosity that never put them in the Guardian to keep the products. He did this so that no one was prevented from reaping the benefits they wanted. The always followed the servants with money that could immediately help the poor. Often, seeing someone not well dressed, gave him his mantle, which (so) could withstand the cold. Every day it was cooked a meal so rich that he could invite all those with him uninvited he had seen in the hole: no day failed to do this. His loyalty was not less than anyone, his activity did not forget anyone, its assets are not missed anyone. Enriched many, always helped others. So his life was always quiet and his death was regarded by all premature.

The defeat of Cannae

In cinquecentoquarantesimo year after the founding of Rome, the consuls Lucius Aemilius Paulus and Publius Terentius Varro fought against Hannibal in the village, whose name is Cannes. When the soldiers of the Romans came to know that Lucio Emilio Paolo was killed in battle, all fled in disorder from all sides. Seven thousand people fled the camp smallest, the largest one in ten thousand, who were who were immediately surrounded by knights Carthalone and Carthaginians. The other fled to console vein with about fifty horsemen. Quarantacinquemilacinquecento soldiers were killed and two thousand seven hundred horsemen, among them both the tribunes of the consuls, Lucius Attilio and Furio Bibaculo Lucio and twenty-nine of the tribunes soldiers, about eighty senators and magistrates. They were captured in that battle three thousand infantry and fifteen hundred horsemen.

Aeneas escapes from Troy

When finally Troy, besieged by the Greeks for ten years, was made with iron and fire a few people were saved from ruin and destruction of their country, including Aeneas, son of Anchises and Venus . That, trusting in the mother, the same day when the Greeks took possession of Troy, led by the will of fate and the warnings of the gods fled the country with his father Anchises and his son Ascanio and some companions. So Aeneas dared to seek a new land beyond the sea. That (Aeneas) endured many adversity in this long voyage, because Juno was hostile. The goddess in fact, with the help of Aeolus, raised up a storm, for which nearly all ships of the Trojans were knocked down and Aeneas himself, with a few friends, was hurled off the coast of Africa. Here Dido, queen of the Carthaginians conquered by love for Aeneas, he lent support in every way. He, being held for some time at the Queen, on the order of Jupiter left the unhappy Dido and his companions sailed to Italy, to lay the foundations of the Roman Empire.

Scipio in Africa

Thirteen years later, that Hannibal had fallen in Italy, Scipio, who had done many glorious enterprises in Spain was elected Consul and was sent to Africa. And here he fought against Hanno, commander of the Africans, and finally destroyed his army. The battle took the camp with five hundred soldiers. Captured Syphax, king of Numidia, who had joined the African, and invaded his camp. Syphax was sent to Rome by Scipio with the most famous Numidian and an immense booty. Having heard this, almost all of Italy left Hannibal and the Carthaginians ordered that he return to Africa, that Scipio was devastating. So, sixteen years after the arrival of Hannibal, Italy was released. The ambassadors of the Carthaginians sued for peace with Scipio. From what was sent to Rome by the Senate. To these he was granted a respite of forty days, and these were received thirty thousand pounds of silver. The Senate decreed that had made peace with the Carthaginians, according to the will of Scipio. Scipio granted the peace under these conditions: that they had more than thirty vessels, which would pay five hundred thousand pounds of silver, which return the prisoners and fugitives.

march towards Isso

Darius, had the news of the ill health of Alexander, he walked quickly to the river Euphrates, and after the banks combined with bridges, led beyond the army, hastening to occupy Cilicia. Even Alexander, gather your strength, had come to the city of Suns took control of this, having claimed two hundred talents as a fine, imposed on a military stronghold. Then, by dissolving the vows made to health, the games celebrated in honor of Aesculapius, and Minerva. He watched the games that is gone, the good news that the Persians had been defeated in its battle, which also Mindi and Cauna and most of that region had been brought back under its sovereignty. Therefore, after giving this entertaining and moved the camp and after a bridge over the river Pyramus, came to the city of Hull, from there, with the second day's march, arrived at the city of Castabalo.

Wars Punic

The Romans fought three times against the Carthaginians. The first Punic War was fought with navies. The cause of agitation was put forward two: one that had aided the Carthaginians Tarentines, the other that Mamertini asked for help against the Carthaginians. After all, in fact, the prey was the possession of Sicily and Sardinia, islands fertile. Appius Claudius began the war in the Strait of Messina, Manila and adjust the flow forward in Africa itself, the console Duilio near the island of Lipari, Lutazio Catulo at Egadi sunk the fleets of enemies, ended. The second Punic war was by far the bloodiest of all. The cause was that Hannibal, against the agreement, had destroyed Sagunto. The first defeat was at the Ticino, having been wounded the father (Senator) that Publius Scipio Scipio, not yet fully mature, protected and free, The second defeat was at Trebbia, having been wounded the consul Flaccus, and the third was at the Trasimeno having been destroyed the army of Flaminius, and the fourth was at Cannes, having been destroyed two armies, with the death of Paul and console with the flight of Terentius Varro. Later, in truth, four commanders attribute the glory of the Carthaginian war: Fabio is attributed (the glory) as the loiterer as Hannibal defeated the delay that threatened to destroy the city. Marcellus first he opposed Hannibal at Nola and slaughtered his army in retreat. Claudius Nero, who was stopped that Hasdrubal in Spain with large troops before they join to Hannibal, and defeated him in a great battle. Publius Scipio in Africa who fought with Hannibal at Zama and was granted a supreme victory: in fact, after this war that deposed the Carthaginians against the Romans. The third Punic War was greater for glory and for businesses. Scipione Emiliano fact carried out the destruction of Carthage, which began the consul Manilius and burned Carthage, stopped forever militias in Africa.

After a serious defeat terror spreads in Macedonia

After some days it is attacked battle won, the Macedonians are massacred. Ptolemy, plagued by many injuries, was taken, his head severed and stuck on a spear, is carried around all over the battlefield to terrorize the enemies. Few of the Macedonians were saved by flight (let: The Escape saved a few of the Macedonians), all others were either captured or killed. Since these things were announced in all of Macedonia, have closed the doors of the city, everything is filled with grief. Now it is hurting the lack of lost children, now feared the destruction of the city, now called in aid the names of their kings, Alexander and Philip, as divine power. They not only felt in these defended, but also winners of the world were praying for defending their homeland, which they had made them very close to heaven with the glory of their businesses and to bring help to the afflicted.

Datames foil trap

The king, for he had conceived an implacable hatred Datames, after he realized that that could not be subdued by war, tried to kill him with the ambush: he (Datames) avoided the most one of them. So, after be his was announced that the snares are a few that were in the group of friends - about which, as the enemies they had reported this, I thought that he should not believe they overlooked -, wanted to know if he had been told the truth or falsehood: And so he went there in the street where they had predicted that there would be an ambush. But he chose (a person) very similar to where your body and stature, and gave him his clothes and told him to go to that place where he used to go. He himself, indeed, beginning to walk among the bodyguards with military dress and suit. But the treacherous after the escort arrived at that place, misled by the social condition and attacked the abbot, who had been put in place. But Datames had commanded those with whom he walked, they were prepared to act, because they had seen. He himself, not just recognize The Inside of what runs, hurled those darts. Because all those who had done this thing at the same time, before they came to be the one who wanted to attack, fell pierced.

Some examples of the fortitude of the Spartans

a score, which even the name was handed down, while he was led to death, because he had been condemned by Eforie, his face was cheerful and happy. While the enemy was saying, 'despise the laws of Lycurgus? ", He replied:" I really am especially grateful to him because I was sentenced to this punishment, which may serve, without going into debt. " With equal courage the Spartans died at Thermopylae. What did those that famous commander Leonidas? "Go with a firm, Spartans, now maybe we'll have lunch in the underworld." These people were strong, existed until the laws of Lycurgus. As a Persian enemy gloriously told in an interview: "You will not see the sun for the large number of javelins and arrows, a Spartan soldier," then, "said he will fight in the shade." I remember the men who spartan finally, after sending his son in combat and have heard that he had been killed, "For this reason - he said-I had given birth, because that would not hesitate to face death for the fatherland."

Augusto lists all events that offered to the people

Three times I gave gladiatorial shows in my name and five times in the name of my children or my grandchildren in this game they fought to the death about ten thousand men. Twice I offered the people a spectacle of athletes in my name and the name of my third grandchild. Istituii games four times in my name, as I did for the first thirteen games console dedicated to Mars. Twenty-six times I gave shows of the people hunting the beasts of Africa in my name or my sons and grandsons in the circus or forum or in the amphitheaters, where they have been killed about three thousand five hundred beasts. I gave the people a spectacle of a naval battle beyond the Tiber, place where now there is the wood of the Caesars, the excavated soil eighteen hundred and twelve hundred feet in length and width. In this place they fought each other beaked triremes or thirty ships BIREME, larger or smaller.

Filosseno The poet and the tyrant Dionysius

Dionysius, tyrant of Syracuse, had composed verses quite rude and unpleasant to be heard, in which it was injected thrown. There was among the poets who attended his banquet Filosseno, dithyrambs illustrious author, who was inexperienced flattery. In the banquet Filosseno as Dionysius had recited poems glorying foolish, he explained what he thought freely. For this freedom, the tyrant was offended that point that he ordered Filosseno was tied up and thrown in quarries and was held prisoner. The next day, however, having been appeased his wrath by the prayers of his friends called him Filosseno. While Dionysius again recited his poems Filosseno and asked what he felt, what he got up and went silent. Having been asked why he was raised and where to point to: "in the quarries," he said. This witty response earned him forgiveness, honesty could not so great in fact, be punished by the tyrant.

Caesar and Sulla

dictator Julius Caesar, born of noble lineage, he lost his father at fifteen. A few years later he married Cornelia, daughter of Cinna, who was sworn enemy of Sulla. Since Sulla had ordered Caesar repudiated, this refusal to obey the dictator. To this Caesar deprived of family assets, as had also been sentenced to death, having changed his clothes, fled the city at night and, although he was slightly ill, was forced to change hiding places every night. Finally caught by a freedman of Sulla, escaped with difficulty, having given the money. Finally Caesar by his friends, who were intimately linked to the dictator, he obtained a pardon, despite Silla had long opposed. In fact, he used to say that one day Caesar was the ruin of the optimistic after this really happened.

The Battle of Bibracte

Caesar, first at his own expense, then all the horses away from view, to take away the hope of escape when he had given the danger the same for all, having urged his attack battle. The soldiers broke through the phalanx of enemies easily, having hurled the javelin to a higher place. Having Caucus, attacked them after their swords unsheathed. For the Gauls had a great battle ground for the fact that, as their shields were several dead and tied together by a single launch of javelins, as the tip of the iron had bent, they could neither pull nor, having occupied the left hand, enough to fight well, we simply prefer to hurl the shield and fight without protection, having shaken with a long arm. Finally, tired of his wounds, they began to retreat and has since climbed the mountain area of \u200b\u200babout a thousand steps, is to turn there. Having taken the mountain and our closer, and the Tulingi Boi, who closed the ranks of the enemy with about fifteen thousand men to garrison and were like "last things" along the way began to surround our having been approached from the open side and having the Helvetians saw what, who had turned towards the mountain, who pressed again and resume the fight.

Generosity of Alexander to the Persian noble prisoners

Alexander, while the banquet consumed early days and the nights in the same way, with Darius, King of the Persians at Arbela passed, interrupted an abundance of food with entertainment. At one time he ordered that the prisoners in accordance with its customary sang Persian poetry. Among them the king himself saw a sadder other Verecondo that resisted with an attitude to those who led the forwards. Was excellent for beauty, and modesty embellished the look: eyes lowered to the ground and the mouth closed to the king offered the suspicion that she was born into a noble family. So who ever questioned it, he replied that he was the grandson of Oco, who reigned in Persia before Darius, born by his son, wife of Hystaspes. This was among the family of Darius, the great army commander himself. And so Alexander, respecting the fate of one who was descended from a royal lineage and the much celebrated name of Oco, not only ordered that the prisoner was released but also that they had returned to his riches, that the man had tried to having found the surrendered wife. The next day, anticipated to Hephaestion who ordered that all prisoners were led into the palace. There, judged the nobility of each, separated by the mob of people which the breed hemin. These were very much: among them was found Ossatre, brother of Darius, the most famous not for his luck as to the nature of his mind. Oxidized was a Persian nobleman, designed by Dario to capital punishment, was kept in prison, released this attributed the satrap of Media, and welcomed the brother of Darius in the court of friends, saved by all the honor of ancient Rome.

Why children are wearing the Roman toga pretext

Ostilio Tullo, the third king of the Romans defeated the Etruscans, who established the first in Rome and had the chair curule lictors and painted robe and pretexts, which were the insignia of magistrates Etruscans. But this time his childhood did not use the excuse, it was like the other things I have enumerated the appearance of honor. But then Tarquinio Prisco, son of Demaratus exile in Corinth, the third king hostilities, fifth from Romulus, celebrated the triumph over the Sabines. In this war, praised his son for 14 years before the assembly is to be donated the gold bull is the pretext, for he had hit the enemy with hand, honoring the strong boy after year with awards of honor and manhood. In fact, as the pretext for judges, so the weight of the bubble was a triumphant showing in triumph, packed inside it believed that the most effective remedy against envy. Hence the custom was explained that the pretext and the bubble in the use of noble boys were used to hope and promise to balance the power similar to that in the early touched these duties.

Laws against theft

Draco the Athenian was judged good man and it was so much wisdom, and was expert in the divine and human law. Draco appeared before the same with all laws, which the Athenians had recourse. In those laws too strictly determined and established that a thief should be punished for the theft with the death penalty and what manner, and many other things. Then on the elect, since it seemed too cruel, they were erased by a decree or a command, but with the tacit consent of the Athenians and not written. Following the adoption of other laws were milder composed of Solon. The Solon was one of those famous seven sages. He on his law estimated that the thieves do not need revenge on Draco as before, with the death penalty, but twice. Our decemviri however, that after the expulsion of the king wrote twelve tables in the laws that used the Roman people, or did not use the same severity in punishing theft of any kind nor too relaxed moderation. At the Spartans rather than a few ignoble or writers who have told more about their customs and laws, they say that the law was the custom of stealing, and that this was usually done by their youth not to dishonest gain or to provide spending to the whim or to procure wealth, but for the practice and discipline of the military.

must avoid the lure of the pleasures

We must act in order to flee as far away as possible from the provocations of the defects, we must harden our hearts and keep it well away from the seduction of pleasure. One winter quarters dissolved energies of Hannibal, and this' man, that neither snow nor had managed to tame the Alps, was unnerved by the warm softness of Campania won by arms, was defeated by their own vices. We too must fight, and indeed, in a kind of militia that does not allow neither rest nor relaxation. You must first defeat the pleasures, which, as you see, have dragged even if indole austere. If anyone realistically consider what is great to work undertaken, will realize that in no circumstances should you give in to the sensuality and softness. It's lucky that I am the war do not intend to follow his orders, I do not accept the yoke, in fact - so it takes more courage - shake it away from me. We must not soften the mood. Once I surrendered to the pleasure and the pain I have to give, give in to fatigue, to give in to poverty.

Alexander the Great has confidence in his doctor once

Alexander, as he went to Cilicia, tired from the trip, put off my coat, Cidu descended into the river, which flows through the city of Tarsus, to wash the body covered dust and sweat, this recklessness, he was nearly fatal. Indeed suddenly stiffened limbs and vital warmth left almost the whole body, he resembled a dying man, was brought into the tent. This caused considerable concern to all soldiers. Following the king, who already recovered from the disease, received a letter from Parmenion, trustworthy among his friends, who warned not to entrust his health to the physician Philip, as the doctor had been bribed by Darius to kill him with poison Alexander . Having read the letter to the end, Alexander, when the doctor handed him the cup which had diluted the medicine, fearless drank, then handed the letter to read to Philip, saying, 'die of disease than not to trust you and held out his right. After three days Alexander was in sight of soldiers than happy to greet the king hailed the good doctor as a god

incorruptibility of Epaminondas

On the other hand, the incorruptibility of Epaminondas was stirred by Diomedonte of Cyzicus: he in fact, at the request of King Artaxerxes, had pledged to bribe Epaminondas with money. This was a Tele with a large quantity of gold and with the gift of five young talent attracted by its Micito, Epaminondas then that he loved very much. Epaminondas Micito met and presented the plea arrival of Diomedonte. But the one before Diomedonte said 'do not need money, for if the king desires, those things that are useful to Telani, I'm willing to do for free, but if they are harmful, I do not have enough gold and silver. And they do not want to receive the riches of the world for the love of country. I am not surprised that you have not tried, but I've known and judged your fellow, and I forgive you, but you leave in a hurry, not to corrupt the others, because you could not do it with me. And you, Micito, return the silver in this, or, if you do not immediately, I will deliver to the magistrate '. While Diomedonte asked this, he said 'I will MISUSE thing, and not because of you, but mine, so if you subtracted the money, not someone say that what has come to me, I'd like to have been brought down.

The Germans were surprised by the sudden attack of the Romans

Caesar's army had deployed in three rows and having quickly completed a journey of eight miles came to the camps of the enemy before it was the fact that the Germans could feel something. Suddenly frightened by all these things, both the speed of our arrival and the dismissal of their not having been given the time or have a decision or to take up arms, shocked they did not know whether it was better to lead the troops against the enemy or defend camp, or seek salvation by flight. While their fears proved to el'accorrere tumult, our soldiers are encouraged by the perfidy of the day before the camp broke. In that place who could quickly grasp the arms held out for a bit 'and attacked our battle wagons between Gallic and obstacles, but the remaining crowd of children and women (in fact with all the relatives had left the country and had crossed the Rhine) began to flee in all directions, Caesar sent his cavalry to chase them.

war between Artaxerxes and Cyrus

Darius king of Persia, while he was dying, he left the power to Artaxerxes, the largest two sons, but attributed the city to Cyrus, which had already satrap. But Cyrus, because he thought that the father's decision was unfair, he began to prepare for war in secret against his brother. Then Antaserse, made more certain of the decision of his brother, Cyrus ordered to be bound with chains of gold, and would kill him if his mother had not prevented. Then Cyrus was released and placed back in its provinces. There, in truth, because he hated his brother, dared not secretly preparing for war, as before, but obviously, having gathered a huge army of any logo. It was told to Antaserse, who immediately prepared to support the assault of his brother. When it came to war, first by his brother was wounded and lifeless Antaserse was carried out by the band, but crushed by Cyrus cohort director, fighting bravely, was killed.

Portrait of a young

no memories of youth, we spoke with friends just now? In all these stands minicar Acilius, who, as a young man (it is lower for a few years old) loves a young man intimately, respects me as an old man. His home is Brescia, Italy, which maintains that we still retains much of modesty, moderation and even ancient rural simplicity. Your Minico father Macrinus, the most authoritative of the equestrian order, because he did not want anything higher. Loved it from the divine Vespasian between the magistrates, very strongly preferred a quiet dignity to this honor. Has the maternal grandmother Procula Serrana, from the town of Padua. Learn about the customs of the place, but for the Padoan Serrana is also an example of severity. In truth Ociliano himself much force, though the utmost modesty, industriousness. He looks very noble sheer vitality, with great modesty, it has a delicate beauty of the whole body, and some senatorial decorum, which I think should not be neglected at all. The betrayal of

Phocion Phocion the Athenian, having the good fortune to come near the eightieth year, in recent years was in great hatred of its citizens, at first because with Demas had agreed to leave the city to Antipater and his decision Demosthenes with others, which were estimated meritorious claims on the state, by a decree of the people were sent into exile. It had not only damaged him, because he had done wrong to the country, but also because he had not kept his word of friendship. And in fact increased, and aided by Demosthenes had increased the rank he held, that Chares against the corrupt: the same processes, while pronouncing the capital process, sometimes defended, had gone free. Not only did not defend it in danger, but also betrayed him. He fell on the other hand especially in a crime, because being with him the supreme power of the people and that Nicarone, prefect of Cassander, undermine the Piraeus of Athens, being warned by Dercilo and asking the same, so provvedesse, not to ensure that the city was deprived of supplies , with the people who listened to this Phocion said there was no danger, and promised that he would be the guarantor of that. So not long after Micanore seized the Piraeus, without that of Athena can not entirely be. As the armed people rushed to retrieve it, he not only did not call anyone to arms, but he would not even know there was someone armed.

A night attack of the Gauls

At the same time, hearing the cry, Vercingetorix gives the signal with the trumpet and leaves his troops from the fortress. Our second place is assigned to each of the preceding days, flocked to the fortifications, making slingshots in action and heavy poles prepared for the defense, and with lead shot held at bay the Gauls. When the view is not the darkness, there are many injuries suffered by both sides, plenty of launches carried out by machines. But the two lieutenant Mark Antony and Gaius Trebonius, which had suffered the defense of that sector, wherever you find that our difficulties were sending reinforcements were brought in from reduced further afield. As long as the Gauls were far from our lines, were more successful for the impotence of their shots, after which they were made below, began to pierce without seeing them in so-called stings, or ended up in ditches and remained impaled, stabbed, or perished by heavy javelins that are used on walls and rained from the fence and towers. Despite the many wounds, without affecting in any way our fortifications at sunrise fell back on their lines. But the besieged, that bring out the tools prepared for the sortie by Vercingetorix and bridge, the first, the Gap, had taken these steps for longer than expected, had news of the retreat of his companions before reaching the enemy's fortifications. Returned then in the castle without having anything done.

Thebes liberated from Spartan

Febida leading the Spartan army to Olynthus and traveling through Thebes, occupied the fortress of the city, which is called Cadunea, with the onslaught of a few Thebans, who resist more easily enemy faction, aspired to the things of the Spartans, and did this for a public decision, but its private. Without the Spartans quersto him away from the army and sentenced him to a pecuniary fine, the fortress and returned to Thebes, the more that having attracted the enmity felt better that they were besieged released. In fact after the war Peloponnesoe Athens, having defeated the Thebans thought the issue was for them and they were the only ones who stand against oisassero. With this thought had given the supreme power to their friends and they killed some of the other faction leaders, had driven others into exile, among them the exiled Pelopidas was homeless. these were all directed generally in Athens, not to try to idleness but fate had assigned so that each place from the neighborhood, because it relies on to win back their country. and so when it seemed time to act, in agreement with those in Thebes they shared ideas, they chose the day to suppress the enemy and liberate the city, in which the magistrate had maximum to feast together.

The Athenian Conon serving Pharnabazus

Conon the Athenian, having heard that the country was under siege, did not seek a safe place to live, but where he could be on call to its citizens. And so it went from Fornabazo, satrap of Ionia and Lydia, and son of the king and the same relative: to him that the favor had great importance, he worked with great difficulty and many dangers. In fact, since the Spartans did not remain in company with the Athenians defeated, as they had done and had sent Antaserse Agesilaus in Asia to fight, especially encouraged by Tissaphernes, which was made between the close of detached from his friendship, and when he had formed an alliance with the Spartans, was employed as commander Fornabazo against this, but in reality it was Conon head of the army, and all things were decided at his discretion. This hindered the very high commander Agesilaus and often opposed to its decisions. Which was recalled after its citizens, since the Obtuse and the Athenians had called the war to the Spartans, however, remained at his side Conon of Governors of the King and all he was in great use.

The qualities of Dione Dione's son Ipparnio, Syracuse, born of a noble family, had many good things from nature, among which the versatile genius, affable, suited to the noble art, a port outside full of dignity, especially that adds splendor; also great wealth left by his father, whom he had increased with the gifts of the tyrant Dionysius. It was a close friend of Dionysius the Elder, and no less out of habit than kinship. In fact, even if he did not like the cruelty of Dionysius, however, wanted to be safe for the family relationship, even more so for the sake of his own. He went to great homes, and the tyrant and his council was very manipulated, if the desire was not interposed in this house than he. In fact, all the embassies that were most prominent, were administered at Dion: he actually attending it diligently and administering honestly, hiding with his humanity on behalf of the cruel tyrant. Posted by Dionysius the Carthaginians as he rose his eyes, nor ever more admired anyone who spoke the Greek language.

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The Senate rejected the peace proposal of Pyrrhus.
Germany to Roman times
A great poet of humble origins
fortitude of a woman
The invention of wine
Quintilio The defeat of Varus and the pain of the consul Caio Augusto
Fabrizio and King Pyrrhus
A 'sudden storm at sea and Jugurtha
Q. Cicero besieged nerves
Caesar collects reinforcements to bring aid to Cicero
Augustus and Maecenas
The horseshoe
Augustus and a greek poet
Portrait of Epaminondas
A letter of Cicero to a friend
Metellus prepare the army
Seizure of Balloon
The most ancient king of Athens
De Bello Civili
The Greek heroes at Troy
De Bello Gallico De Bello Gallico IV XII
Origin of the uprising of Gaul
Gallic origin of the uprising
Gallic siege and capture of failure
De Bello Fighting around Alesia Gaul and Roman victory
61 De Bello Gallico Fighting around Alesia Roman victory and 65
De Bello Gallico Fight Alesia and around the Roman victory 66
De Bello Gallico Fighting around Alesia Roman victory and 67
De Bello Civili III The Battle of Pharsalia 88
De Bello Civili III The Battle of Pharsalia 89
De Bello Civili III The Battle of Pharsalia 90
De Bello Civili III Battle Pharsalus 91
De Bello Civili III The Battle of Pharsalia 92
De Bello Civili III The Battle of Pharsalia 93
De Bello Civili III The Battle of Pharsalia 94
De Bello Civili III The Battle of Pharsalia 95
Portrait of Silla
Reading selection and meditate

The killing of Cicero's essay should stay away from the madness
IV De Ira
The punishment of Patricide
The Romans ignored the philosophy
Liber Quintus Decimus
Consolatio Polybium
Needless to relocate if the soul is sick
Carpe Diem
dedicated to his friend's friendship patron Maecenas

isolation test is not inaction
The De Ira

II De Ira III De Ira
ambush on the bridge to Catilinarian MilvioIl Senate rejected the peace proposal of Pyrrhus.
Pirro, the first enemy overseas, led a war against the Roman army in Italy. In fact, from his kingdom of Pyrrhus, sites occupied by forests and steep mountains, arrived in Puglia with a large army to the aid of Tarentines i defeated the Romans in a pitched battle. But however the Romans had no strength of mind and gave in to despair but set up a new troop. In a lot of them noticed a lot of courage and strength of peaks in the Senate sent a man of great eloquence and cunning, and proposed peace to quiet conditions. The Senate already concerned for peace, but he came in curia Appius Claudius, blind and old, with his charisma and dissuaded from peace. Senators followed the words of Appius and rejected conditions is not the king. Then Pyrrhus brought his troop of Sicily against the Carthaginians and dispersed several battles with the enemies.

Germany to Roman times
The old judge the climate of Germany against most of our less fertile fields, here-so they wrote it in their books - the sun rarely shines a light most pale, cold nights are longer, the short summers, the winters longer and adverse in our regions because the people seemed more sad by nature and often lived in a poor condition because of the bitter cold and very annoying. In the Italian regions to the contrary, the atmosphere was serene light, the air very healthy and very suitable for men collected the most fertile countryside, so the people were more happy and bright. He lived several normal woods of Germany, including unknown Roman Caesar counted to mention bison. The moose were very similar forms to the goats, but slightly larger and without horns. Aurochs were slightly smaller than an elephant had the shape of bulls, but differed greatly in the size of our oxen horns.

A great poet of humble origins
say that the poet Euripides was born into poverty, because we learned about the ancient writers that his mother was selling wild vegetables in the street, and so provide food for himself and his son. The oracle of Apollo had foretold to his father that the boy, when he grew up, was winning races. Upon hearing this response, the father believed his son would one day become an athlete. So when his body was strengthened, they had exercised it, he sent him to Olympia to compete with the other athletes. But we know that because of his age , Euripides was not admitted to the first race and after would have emerged victorious from the battle. Euripides, however, was an expert in literature and not an athlete. So later became a disciple of Anaxagoras of natural physical and rhetoric of Procida was a follower of Socrates and the philosophy of morality. Nineteen years he wrote the first tragedy. There has been handed down from Filocoro that Euripides to write his tragedies in a cave tetra and time line as it felt that solitude was perfect for mental concentration.

fortitude of a woman off
A report that a woman, having been occupied the city, had stayed home without fear ready to oppose anyone could enter. But a soldier, provided that enters in his house to loot all the things he found, varying according to the heart and new wool, saw nothing that could be taken. So he said to the woman in a threatening voice that would kill him if he had not delivered all the time who owned the silver. Therefore, in the said he had hidden in a hole around the hole and led soldiers in the garden. And there, while gazing a deep hole, she quickly pushed strongly that the man who fell into the pit and threw stones on him very large. Having been conducted for its action by the commander of the enemy and the woman he was admired for the strength of character and was released in colume. The invention of wine

Such Staphylos that Eneo was pastor of the king, and who once took care of the flock must be noticed that one of the goats that grazed moved away from the herd and fell after more serene style. To find out what was causing this, followed by the goat, he saw near the banks of the river Achelous he ate grapes away from a plant that he ate with great pleasure catching her. Since it was sweet, crushed it with his paw and enjoy a delicious juice squeezed from it. But because it was too dense, Staphylos water taken from the river Achelous Mix the juice of grapes. So you made an excellent drink.

The defeat of Varus and the pain of Quintilio
Augustus's defeat was disastrous launch, three legions with the commander, ambassadors and all aid eliminated. When I heard about Augustus instituted security services to prevent riots were born, and sent out the order to the heads of provinces that experienced people capable of held in check the people associated with it. And I dedicate great games to Jupiter Maximus Otiimo that the state could be in a better situation: and what was done during the war against the Cimbri and Marri. What is ultimately a frightened him so much that for months beat his head against the wall where he had grown a beard and hair while he was screaming: "Quintilio Varus, give me back my legions!" and every year spent on the day of that tragedy in sadness and mourning.

The consul and the king Caio Fabrizio Pirro Fabrizio
Caius was one of those ambassadors who had gone to Pirro about the release of the hostages. And after that Pirro had learned that his name was great among the Romans as a good man and tried to no value in war, but rich was offered to others with kindness and their gifts. Fabrizio refused these things. The next day, as Pirro wanted to scare him in the face of an elephant and ordered that the animal came out from behind curtains as he talked with Fabrizio. The after this was done, as signs raised the curtain animal trumpeting a ravine which heaved up out of the test under the head of Fabrizio. But he is quiet and smiled Pirro: "Today your beast scared me more than yesterday I drew your gold. "Pirro amazed by the fortitude of Fabrizio, then invited him to desert their country and want to come live with him also that he would give quarter of his kingdom, Fabrizio then replied, "If I am considered an honest man because I want to bribe? If, however, feels dishonest to me, because I want with you? "

sudden storm at sea The sea shook and the clouds were driven up to the light to overcome darkness. The sailors rushed to and fro wildly to do what they had and they set their sails for the storm. But neither the wind pushes the ocean currents from the same direction the commander where he ran the route.

Jugurtha and Aderbal
The news of so many events spread quickly lost in Africa. Fear seized Aderbal and all those who were under domain of Minipsa. The Numidian descend into two parts: the majority follows Aderbal, but the best followed by Jugurtha in war. Aderbal sent ambassadors to Rome to inform the Senate dell'omicio brother and his fortune, and confident of the abundance of the army, was preparing to fight with weapons. But when the time came to fight, the loser of the battle in the province and then from there he pointed across Rome. Jugurtha then he kept the Roman people, because they had sent much silver those ambassadors, who ordered the senators to their friends.

Q. Cicero besieged by Nervi
The clash was more serious and bloody by the day, especially because most of the soldiers died for the injuries which were much more numerous messages that the letters were sent to Caesar by most of the messages was view and was intercepted and destroyed by torture of our soldiers. The camp of the Romans was a nerve called Vertione, born of an honest family, who took refuge in Cicero since the first invasion, and he had shown his loyalty. Cicero had convinced him, that was a slave to bring the letters to Caesar with the promise of the gift of freedom and a great reward. This threw out the name of the arrows and after that cock was in the past three roosters and without any suspicion came from Caesar. See he learned of the trouble of Cicero and of the legions.

Caesar collects reinforcements to bring aid to
Cicero Cicero, received the letters, when once, at about eleven o'clock in the morning, a message to the Chief M. Bellovaci by Crassus, whose winter camp was twenty-five thousand feet away from him, ordered that departed at midnight, a region that came to him quickly. Crassus leave camp with a message. He sent another message (...). Caio Fabrizio so a legion in the territory of Atrelati (...).

Augustus Augustus and Maecenas
not easily squeezed friendships, but those close to the firmly held. From now on he became a friend of Maecenas, a Roman knight, who is always served well by the grace of which he enjoyed with the prince that emerged in all but without harming anyone. Extraordinary was his art its freedom in calming the mind of Augustus when he did not see altered by anger. Augustus was a day that was to administer justice to condemn to death several people. Then burst Maecenas, who attempted to pass through the crowd and get very little in the first court. Having unsuccessfully tried this, he wrote these words on a tablet: "So stand up, bloody" and showed the tablet to Augustus. Having read this, Augusto rose immediately, and was never sentenced anyone to death.
retinal, eg, made staple off, erevaleo, ie, ui, valiturus, ereutor, eris, usus sum, utinoceo, eg, nocui, nocitum, ereflecto, is, flexi, flexum, perrumpo ages, is, ruoi, reptum, ereconor , aris, ATUS sum, aritempto, as, avi, Atum, areproicio, is, IECI, iectum, eresurgo, is, surrexi, surrectum, ages

The horseshoe
A boy and his father, as they crossed feet they came to hear a land base of iron. The father asked his son to leave him. And since this said to obey, not to mention that his father took him. Having sold in the nearby village, received a fair amount with which bought the cherries. In addition, the sun was shining and the sky began to heirs of the fields. The travelers were exhausted from the dust, hunger and thirst. Then the father, almost oblivious, instinctively threw the cherry that the son immediately grabbed the child and ate greedily. Following his father threw them one after the other until the last things his son from the ground. Finally, the father, having already finished cherries: (...).

Augustus and a poet A poet
greek greek epigrams he used to give an honorable Emperor Augustus when it went down the street. Because he had often done the same Augusto wrote a greek epigrams and handed the greek poet corsegli meeting, because I read it. Since the emperor had read the poem, then praised him with the greatest praise by saying that nothing more beautiful than you could ever find. Immediately after the poor man slipped his hand purse, took out a few coins for the emperor and said he would be offered more if he wanted more. Then Augustus, having a lot of fun for those words and not being able to hold the rice, he called the poor poet, and ordered that he be offered a large sum of money.

Portrait of Epaminondas
He was modest, prudent, powerful, wise sfruttattore time, an expert on war, man of strong, noble from the soul, so lover of truth, not lie nor a joke, was sober at the same time, so be patient and bear with a heart is not right the wrongs in the people but also those of friends. Tell him that was very willing to listen, because he distinguished himself among all. So, having come to a meeting where we discussed the state or the discussions were philosophy, this never went away before the debate was over. Bear so readily poverty and the state received nothing except the glory

A letter of Cicero to a friend
Although there was nothing new to write, it is increasingly beginning to eagerly wait for your letters, or better you Equally, though, after starting Theophilus, I could not give him any letters, do so in order to come as soon as possible, since you will not be me, your friend, believe me, but just to all, I sometimes feel a certain fear barges do not like a start that lasts a long time. Because if you did not have any sense except that of view, certainly forgive you if they somehow did not want to see, but not being much milder than those that are experienced by those who imagine that you are seen much interest your family heritage that come first, I thought of having to warn about this. But since what what I like to show you more for your Security considerations

Metellus prepare the army
After the humiliation of Aulus and ignoble escape of our army, and Silano Metellus, having been appointed consuls, they divided among themselves the provinces, and Metellus had happened to the Numidia, a violent man is although hostile to the popular (the part of the people) enjoyed an impeccable reputation constantly. The in Numidia, took office immediately, and dealt with the war that was about to fight. So since he did not trust the army veterans, reclutatavi of new soldiers, aid procured everywhere, preparing weapons, arrows, horses and other instruments necessary to the army, having specially made to bring enough, and also all those things that raise be used in a war many things that needed changing.

Seizure of Balloon Balloon
Caesar arrived in with all the army, which is the first city in Thessaly, for those coming from Epirus, people who a few months earlier had sent ambassadors to Caesar spontaneously, that enjoys all the their property, and that would evoke the siege of the troops from there. But beyond the news of the battle of Durazzo, of which I have narrated above, had already spread. So Androstene, strategist of Thessaly, as he preferred to be the companion of Pompey's victory rather than being the ally of Caesar's doom, he gathered the whole mass of slaves and servants of the city is closed doors and sent the news to Scipio and Pompey since come to the aid: if he had been trusted in the fortifications relief quickly, would not survive longer than the battle.

The earliest kings of Athens
The Athenians boast not only for the expansion of their land because of its origin, since they are not foreigners but live in the same land where they were born. Deveclione before the time of Cecrops was the king, who was succeeded Cranao, whose name she gave her daughter's Attica region. After that reigned Amphitryon, who first consecrated the city to Minerva and the name he gave to the city of Athens. Flood destroyed most of the population of Greece. Survives colors which began in the mountains except in shelters or are headed to the King of Thessaly Deucalion using rafts, from which is said to have been what started the race of men. Following the kingdom passed to Eredeo, during the reign of which was discovered by the sowing of wheat to Frittolemo Elevsi, in whose honor the origins of the nights were devoted. They occupied the kingdom of the Aegean Athens, Theseus, Codro, and after Codro not ruled anyone. But in the city then there is no law (...). For what Solon was elected, a man with an extraordinary sense of justice, almost found a new city laws.

De Bello Civili
known desire of the soldiers, part time Rimini with the legion and meets with those tribunes of the people who had escaped from him, let out the other legions from winter quarters and to follow orders. He was the young L. Caesar, whose father was tied to Caesar. This man, after he had finished explaining why he had come, said to have the tasks of service reserved for him by Pompey: Pompey wanted to exonerate himself in the eyes of Caesar's directing that no sign of affront against the legion who had some then advanced to the state.

The Greek heroes at Troy
Many Greek leaders came before Troy, and most magnificent ancient cities in Asia and fought hard and with their courage regained a great reputation. Achille Mirmiodini commander, however, was by far the most famous of all, the son of the goddess Thetis and King Peleus (Achilles Nestor was with the most experienced commanders Greek) among the Greek commanders Nestor was the most experienced of Achilles, Odysseus much smarter and eloquent, Agamemnon most famous for authority and power. In fact, commanded several (...).

De Bello Gallico IV XII
When Caesar arrived in Gaul were the leaders of a faction's Aedui other the Sequani. , Which were not strong in itself, since ancient times held the supreme power and had great clientele, and Ariovistus were allied with the Germans if they were appealing look is with great promises and gifts (of money). Several battles were fought successfully and the whole aristocracy of Aedui was eliminated, so they had exceeded in power, that most customers Aedui passed by them, and between them they took as hostages the sons of chiefs and forced to swear publicly that they would not plotting anything against Sequani, and took possession of the neighboring territories occupied by force and adhered to the sovereignty of all Gaul. Because of this Diritioco was driven by the need to seek help, because they had traveled to Rome was a return to the Senate had not signed it. Upon arrival of Caesar, capovoltasi the situation of the hostages returned Aedui, restored the old clientele, establishment of new means of Caesar, as these, who had procured their (the Aedui) friendship, as they felt in a better and more just state, for the other things increased their dignity and grace and moved away from power. They had taken their place the oars, because you knew they were in the good graces of Caesar, to the same degree those due to old enmity could not bind with the Aedui, and who were customers of the Remi. This protected them carefully: it held a new power gained sudden. The situation then was in this state: the leaders were considered by far the Aedui, Remi and occupied the second place in terms of dignity.
Nate, ie, ui, Turus, ereaccipio, eg, CEPI, ceptum, erecogo, is, ceoegi, coactum, erepossideo, eg locations, sessum, erepeto, is, therein, itum, ages profiscor, eris, profecuts sum, profisciaggrego, as, avi, Atum, areadaequo, as, avi, autm, areineo, is, ii, itum, ireinficio, is, eci, ectum, ages

Origin of the uprising of Gaul
When Gaul was reconciled, as has already been decided Caesar left for Italy to make a meeting. The massacre was aware of P. Clodius, being informed of the decision of the senate, that all young people in Italy take the oath of mass, he ordered the soldiers to make the lever now reported unto these things in Cisalpine Gaul. The same cock-invented and popularized, as it seemed that the circumstances so require, that Caesar was detained by riot town and could not be so much discord in the army.

The Origin of the uprising Carnutes shaken by these events say they do not reject any danger to the salvation of the people and promise that the first attack battle, because at the moment can not grant each other through the exchange of hostages so that it does not leak out, asked to approve under the faith of the oath, joined the military insignia, which in practice was the most solemn rite of their content, so the outbreak of hostilities are not abandoned by others for the company. So if logiati the meat, after which all participants were provided turning, set the date of this event, you disciolsero from meeting.

siege and capture of failure
The next day Caesar, pushed forward a tower and direct the work of fortification that had ordered him to do, having unleashed a big storm, considered favorable for this storm to take a decision because he saw the guards along the wall arranged very little rashly, and ordered his men to work more slowly and showed her what she wanted done. And he made ready to be the legions into the camp and into the Vineae, having exhorted the one day would receive the fruits of victory so much work, proposed a reward for those who first had scaled the walls and gave the sign to the soldiers. They immediately flew out from all sides and quickly poured on the wall.

Fighting around Alesia Roman victory and 61
handed down the sentence, agree that those who are declared to be unnecessary for the war because of their health and age, leaving the city, and that all are tested before Critognate follow the sentence, but (is like) make use of this solution, if the need demands it cease and aid, rather than surrender or do the conditions for peace. The Mandubii that they had been welcomed into the city, forced them to leave with their wives and children. These, avvicinatisi the fortifications of the Romans, begged crying with all kinds of begs to be rescued with the food coming (so) received in (state) of submission. But Caesar, having disposed of the guards prevented along the rampart to accept them.

Fighting around Alesia and Vercingetorix
65 Roman victory after he had kept his soldiers from the Acropolis, walked away from the stronghold of Alesia, had brought into the open the grates, the poles, tunnels, sickles and other things that had prepared for the raid. Was attacked simultaneously by all parties all things were attacked: headed in that direction which seemed more secure. The Roman army was forced to lie down for the numerous fortifications and it is not easy to attack from all sides. The huge uproar that rises behind the fighters to scare our help because they see that their risk is placed in the abilities of others made almost everything they saw from afar, deeply disturbed the minds of men.

Fight Alesia and around Caesar sent Roman victory 66
first young Brutus and the courts, even after the lieutenant C. Fabio with the other, and finally himself, since they were contrasted with increasing momentum, he did succeed in helping the new soldiers. Save the tide of battle enemies and rejected, he met with him to whom he had sent Labienus, he released four shorts from the nearby refuge, ordered that a portion of the cavalry to follow him, another to surround the external fortifications and attack the enemy behind. After that neither the ramparts or ditches were able to withstand the shock of its foes, brought together forty courts that fortune had come from the nearby refuge, Cesare Labienus informed through messages of what he intended to do.

Fight Alesia and around 67
Roman victory the following day Vercingetorix, having convened a meeting remembered for not having started this war because of personal but for the freedom of their country, and he said, because it must submit to the will of fate, to be provided, again for this, to follow one of two decisions, or who want to give it live. For this choice of ambassadors were sent by Caesar. He ordered him to disarm and hand over their leaders. Also he is stationed in front of the range of the camp: they were taken before the masters, he was handed Vercingetorix and the weapons were laid. Leaving aside the Aedui and Averno, to try to recover them through their people, delivered one by one, the remaining prisoners in the whole army as war booty.

The Battle of Pharsalia 3 88
As Caesar approached the camp of Pompey, so he could watch his army arrayed in battle formation. In the left wing will be two legions, hand over by Caesar at the beginning of the clashes on the orders of the Senate, one of which was called first, the other third. In that place was the Pompey. The center of the grid was occupied by the legions of Scipio with Syriac. The legion colicense was positioned in the right wing with the English court. Which were brought from Afria as described above, Pompey believed that these were very strong. He was placed in the middle of the grid and the remaining sides, (and as to the number had reached one hundred short) and the number total of the courts had reached 110. This numbered 45 thousand men, of whom about two thousand erano0 invoked (called by some two thousand, which were received by the beneficiaries of the higher of hosts had distributed them throughout the deployment. He placed the remaining seven short to guard the camp and Pertilizi neighbors. A stream from the steep banks to protect his right hand, which is why he had set before the entire left wing cavalry, archers and slingers.

The Battle of Pharsalia 3 89
Keeping the above provisions Caesar had placed The tenth legion in the right wing and the ninth in his left, although it was significantly attenuated following the battle of Durazzo, and joined so that the octave, so you almost get a two, and the other was ordered to guard the other. He had deployed eighty short field, the sum of which were 22 thousand men had left to guard the camp seven choirs. He had entrusted the left wing to the right to Antonio P. On the center of the grid in Gn. Domitius He had set himself against Pompey. Having realized the disadvantages, because he feared that the right wing was surrounded by a large number of riders, pulled quickly from the third row, one short and one of these he appointed as a fourth opposing (The) cavalry, and as he showed his desire to win and he remembered that occasion depended on the value of these courts, at the same time commanded the third line the whole army, so as not to run the attack without his orders, because he wanted him adhere to his order, he gave the signal with the flag.

The Battle of Pharsalia 3 90
While according to the custom military urged the army to fight and always said what she felt were his services in this and in the first place that could have remembered to call soldiers to prove how hard he had sought peace, what was the topic of conversation through Vatinius o Aulus Clodius with Scipio and how he insisted Libo to send ambassadors to Drici. He had never taken any advantage odd blood of soldiers and have never been willing to deprive the state of one of his two armies. Given this speech, he gave the soldiers who so request and who wish to combat the signal with the trumpet.

The Battle of Pharsalia 3 91
army of Caesar was called Toast, a man of exceptional value, which in the previous year had held the rank of centurion centurion. After she was given the signal he said, "Follow me you were my fellow soldiers and soldiers who offer them to our master everything that help you promised. This is now the last battle and taken to the term which he will recover his dignity and us our freedom. " Turning to Caesar said: "Today, the commander whether I survive or I die, I will cause you to be grateful to me." So saying, he advanced to first by the right wing, and about 120 volunteer soldiers selected and followed him.

The Battle of Pharsalia
3 92 interposed between the two sides enough space to attack both. But Pompey had ordered his soldiers to await Caesar's attack and not to depart from their positions and let the melted his sides - and it was said that this had been recommended by C. Triario - was weakened because the first shock of the attack and the files were separated and sorted in their centuries attacked them when they were scattered, and hoped for the soldiers still remained the paddles would fall with less damage were the same courses meeting to manipulate scagliatisi against enemies, and all with Caesar's soldiers would remain out of breath and were exhausted by fatigue because of the path raddoppiatosi. Since it seems to us that Pompey have come up without this criterion, since a certain ardor of love and a desire to act just humans are innate, characteristics that will go down to the desire to fight. Commanders must not crack down, but food and not without reason is an ancient principle that the trumpets sounded the signal all together and raise much noise so that Cusa gave these enemies would be afraid that his soldiers and would have excited.

The Battle of Pharsalia 3 93
But, since our soldiers were left with spears aimed at the enemy after he was given the signal and they realized it had not yet reached Pompeii, experts made the experience and having done practice in earlier battles, they stopped all of them will run and not stop in the middle of the trail, not wanting to get exhausting fatigue, having spent a little time and reverse its direction, handpieces and sent quickly, as he was taught by Caesar, unsheathed their swords. Pompey were not actually less to this action. In fact receive all the blows received by the opponent and suffered the momentum of the Legion of the deployment order is preserved and resorted to swords against mandatigli handpieces. At the same time, the knights rushed forward against Pompey's left wing, as ordered, and poured (the cavalry) against all the hosts of archers. Our cavalry was under the impetus of these, but a little removed from his position, retired, and the Knights of Pompey began to urge for this with greater force, to explain squads and to surround our camp on the open side. Caesar just noticed it gave the signal to the fourth line that had formed with six courts. These fast track running and they fit so hard in training Pompey's attack on the knights that none of them stood still and everyone loosened in several directions without stopping me in the flight headed to the mountains, very high speed. Because of those who left all the archers and slingers, left defenseless, and private security were massacred. In the same attack surrounded the left wing, while Pompey's still fighting and resisting the deployment and attacked them from behind.

The Battle of Pharsalia 3 94
At the same time ordered that advances the third row, which had not been used and that until then had taken place. In this way, because the soldiers tired and will be succeeded by other new forces, and the others were attacked from behind, Pompey could not stand it any longer and they all retreated. Caesar was not mistaken in thinking that victory would come from those courts that had decided in the fourth row against cavalry, as he had said as he exhorted the soldiers. From this was immediately rejected by the cavalry and was made of archers and slingers massacre and always from their deployment Pompeiano was bypassed from the left and was forced to flee. But when Pompey saw his cavalry chased away and noticed that the body in which he placed his hopes was more scared not having more confidence now or in oneself or in others, left the battlefield without stopping and went to horse camp and addressing the centurions that had placed a guard at the door Pretoria, said so clearly that the soldiers could hear distinctly: "Keep the camp and diligently defend it if something serious happens. I inspected the other doors and reinforces the other guards of the camp. " After he had uttered these words he took refuge in the praetorian not having confidence in the outcome but still waiting for the final event.

The Battle of Pharsalia 3 95
Having pushed Pompey into the trench. Caesar, since it considered that it was not convenient to give space to the frightened, he urged the soldiers to take advantage of favorable circumstances and storm the camp.

Portrait of Silla
While this situation exists, came into the camp L. Silla. Since the incident reminded me of so many men, it seemed appropriate to tell of his personality and his way of life. Sulla belonged to the noble lineage of the patricians; family already almost faded and the sloth of the ancestors, and was an expert in Greek and Latin literature as a specialist, by the great courage, lover entertainment but even more than the glory: of word easy, clever and friendly, incredible intelligence to pretend occupations Giver of many things in a particular way of money. Many people wondered if he was happier or stronger. So Silla, as mentioned above, after he arrived in Africa and the camp of Mario with the cavalry, initially inexperienced and incapable of war became very proficient in all things.

reading choices and meditate
From the things that I write to those I hear, I conceive of good hopes for you, do not go continuously from one place to another and do not emotions to change places, it is proper quest'inquietudine complained of a soul and I think that the first character of a calm mind can be the establishment in a particular place and in turn themselves. Beware however that this reading of many authors and various kinds of texts is not something superficial and transient. If you want to draw something that has an effect on your mind and need to turn to feed the mind with a number of authors. There is no man who can be in several places at once. This happens to those: which spend their lives traveling constantly, which have many acquaintances but no friends. It is inevitable that the same thing happens to those who do not focus on any particular author, but there flow all travel and hastily. Not has no effect and is not absorbed by the body that food is put back as soon as swallowed: nothing impedes healing as the flux of care; not healed the wound that is subjected to various medicines, not strengthens the plant that is moved continuous, there is nothing that has beneficial effect on the immediate. A large number of books ends up distracting: therefore, unable to read all that you have enough focus to those who are unable to read. But you said, "Now I want to read this, now this." It is just a taste of many foods that taste nausea easily that if there are various kinds of harm and do not eat. So more and more authors who have already had occasion to appreciate and if after that you'll be pleased to dedicate to others once you go to leave to go to a reading latria books back then what I read before. Always search for the principles on poverty, death, but also on other evils, and after they have examined many to choose one of your own that day. I also do the same thing to all those who have read or learn one. This is today, because I just stopped reading about Epicurus (in fact I usually run into are usually other authors and others not only to cross the camp as a deserter, but as an explorer) said: "It pleased the noble poverty." That really is not whether poverty is happy: not the real poor are those who have little but who always wants more. Does it matter how many animals it is bred from or what you wear in, if then, care is taken continuously to property of others, if what is most important is not what has already been won but the one that has yet to earn? Ask what is the limit of wealth? The first is to have what you need the other, but what you know please. Goodbye.
scribe, is, scrips, postscript, IIIaudio ages, is, therein, itum, IVconcipio ire, is, epi, ceptum, IIIdiscurro ages, is, Currie, Cursum, IIIinquieto ages, as, avi, Atum, are Iexistimo, as, avi, atum, are Ipossum, tes, tui, posseconsisto, is, stitii, ere IIImoror, aris, atus sum, ari Ihabeo, es, habui, ere IIopoetet, oportuit, ere IIItraho, is, traxi,, tractum, ere IIIsedeo, es, sedi, sessum, ere IIexigo, is, exigi, actum, ere Ievenio, is, veni, ventum, ire IVaccido, is, cidi, ere IIIapplico, as, avi, atum, are Itransmitto, is, misi, missum, ere IIIprosum, prodes, profui, prodesseaccedo, is, cessi, cessum, ere IIIemitto, is, misi, missum, ere IIIimpedio, is, ivi, itum, ire IVvenio, is, veni, ventum, ire IVtempto, is, veni, ventum, are Iconvalesco, is, valui, ere IIItransfero, fers, transtuli, translatum, transferredistringo, is, strici, strictum, ere IIIlego, is, lexi, lectum, legere IIIeudeo, iis, volvi, volotum, ere III volo, vis, volui, velle degusto, as, avi atum, are Iinquino, as, avi, atum, are Ialo, is, alui, altum, ere IIIdeverto, is, verti, versum, ere IIIredeo, es, redivi, itum, ire IVcomparo, as, ari, atum, are Ipercurro, is, curri, cursum, ere IIIexcerpo, es, cerpsii, cerptum, ere IIIconcoquo, is, coxi, coctum, ere IIIfacio, es, feci, factum, ere IIIadprehendo, is, piehendi, prensum, ere IIInacor, eris, natus sum, nasci IIItranseo, is ii, itum, ire IVinquam, inquis, inquiticupio, is, ivi, pitum, ire IVrefero, fers, reduli, relatum, referrepasco, is, pavi, pastum, ere IIIfenero, as, avi, atum, are Iimmineo, es, ere IIacquisisco, is, ivi, itum, ire IVcomputo, as, avi, atum, are Iquaero, is, ivi, itum ere IIIvideo, es, vidi, visum, ere IIinnutrio, is, ivi, itum, ire IVlibet, libuit, ere IIsumo, is, sumpsi, sumptum, erefastidio, is,ivi, itum, ire IVsoleo, es, solitus sum, ere

L’uccisione di Cicerone
Il quel periodo non accadde niente di tanto vergognoso come il fatto che Cesare fosse stato spinto a comporre una lista di prescrizione (a proscrivere qualcuno) o che Cicerone fosse stato proscritto da qualcuno. L’opinione pubblica è stata stroncata dal misfatto di Antonio poiché nessuno si era adoperato per (aveva difeso) the salvation of the man who for years had defended the welfare state and the private sector. However (you) have not fate at all (in fact, the outrage that overflows from my heart (from my heart and chest) leads me to step away from that I set to work (work setting fixed) I say, ah, do anything not paying the price for that wonderful mouth (very beautiful) and the illustrious severed head, and with inciting to murder dismal compensation (inducing the death of) the savior of the state, that great console. In that moment you Cicero ripped-American (light) troubled, old age and cites a most unhappy in your principality (with you principles under your triumvirate, but in reality only you could not make it disappear (have not removed) the fame and glory of his words and his actions but you have (even) favorite (so please).

The essay should stay away from the madness
Ask what you should particularly avoid: the folly you say. Do not we can still venture out safely. I will trust you sincerely my weakness: I do not ever throne with the same costumes with which I had emerged. Some of those who had adjusted, is confused, some of which I was released, they return. What happens to those patients with a disease long enough to keep it more to get out safely, it also happens to us, whose minds are coming from an old evil. Are bad relations with the crowd, there's no one there to propose as well a vice, or him to him to emboss or infected without realizing it: the greatest danger is especially where there is a greater crowd. There's nothing really so harmful to good morals than to stay to witness a gladiatorial show: it is then that the defects are more easily sneak through the attractiveness. What do you think I'm saying? I say that because I was in the crowd, I'll be more greedy, more ambitious, more luxurious, indeed even more cruel and inhumane. By chance I came across a gladiatorial show, waiting for games, entertainment and relaxation with some cu soothe the eyes of the crowd at the sight of human blood. But it was the opposite: earlier combats are acts of mercy in comparison to those now left out the minutiae, it is true murders. They have nothing with which repair itself with the whole body exposed to beatings, never does not pull the misfires. Most people prefer it to ordinary couples and requests for rivals. Why not prefer it? Neither helmet nor shield repaired by the sword. What are the safeguards? What skills? All of these are delay of death. The morning will be offered to spectators men against bears and lions, the men each evening. The public order that the killers are opposed to others who in turn kill them and take the winner in another killing, with the inspiration of the fighters, however, is death: it is carried out with fire and sword. These are the things you hear while the arena is clear. "But someone has stolen, killed someone," So what? Because he deserves to be killed this: what do you deserve it because it perish? "Kill, shoot, on fire! Because it runs against the sword with so much hesitation? Why kill a little courage? Why dies a little pleasure? I hit on the wounds! Bear the blows on each other's bare breasts and exposed! "The show viene interrotto : “Nel mentre, per non stare senza far niente, vengono sgozzati gli uomini” Suvvia, non capite neppure che gli esempi cattivi si ripercuotono su chi li compie? Ringraziate gli dei immortali perché insegnate ad essere crudele a che non saprebbe esserlo.
exstimo, as, avi, atum, are 1quaero, is, ivi, itum, ere 3committo, is, misi, missum, ere 3confiteor, eris, confessus sum, eri 2exfero, fers, tuli, latum, ferre,refero, fers, tuli, latum, ferrecompono, is, posui, positum, ere 3turbo, as, avi, atum, are 1fugo, as, avi, atum, are 1redeo, is, redii, reditum, ere 3evenio, is, veni, ventum, ire 4adficio, is , feci, fectum, ere 3 profero, fers, tuli, latum, ferreaccido, is, cidi, ere 3reficio, is, feci, fectum, ere 3commendo, as, avi, atum, are 1imprimo, is pressi, pressum, ere 3adlino, is levi, litum, ere 3misceo, es, miscui, mixtum, ere 2desideo, es, sedi, ere 3subrepo, is, brepsi, breptum, ere 3dico, is, dixi, dictum, ere 3incido, is, cid, ere 3expeto, as, avi, atum, are 1 acquiesco, is, aquievi, quietum, ere 3omitto, is, misi, missum, ere 3expono, is, posui, positum, ere 3prafero, fers, tuli, latum, ferrerepello, is, pelli, pulsum, ere 3obicio, is, obeci, obiectum, ere 3iubeo, es, iussi, iussum, ere 2detineo, es detinui, detentum, ere 2gero, is, gessi, gestum, ere 3vaco, as, avi, atum, are 1occido, is, cidi, casum, ere 3mereo, is, mervi, meritum, ere 2patior, eiis, passus sum, pati 3specto, as, avi, atum, are 1verhero, as, avi, atum, are 1uro, is, ussi, ustum, ere 3incurro, is, curri, cursum, ere 3morior, eris, mortas sum, mori 3ago, is, egi, actum, ere 3excipio, is, excepi, exceptum, ere 3iugulo, as, avi, atum, are 1intellego, is, legi, intellectum, ere 3redundo, as, avi, atum, are 1

De Ira IV
Disse: “Quegli animali che si presentano molto irosi sono considerati assai lodevoli”. Sbaglia che si serve di questi come esempio degli uomini nei quali l’istinto si sostituisce la ragione negli uomini la ragione overlaps instinct. The same thing is not even beneficial to all of them: the evil helps the lion, the rudder, the crow, the shot, the hawk, the dove flight. Similarly it is not true that the best animals are the most angry? I would consider the better the more ornery beasts who use cruelty to feed, I could praise the patience of oxen and horses that follow the brakes. But that is no reason why you recall these examples unhappy man in the world and when you have a god that man, among all animals, is the only one who can imitate the only one who can understand. The punishment of

not you see that perhaps these which has been handed down by the poets who have sacrificed to avenge his father and mother who is said to have made the most of obeying orders and the responses of the oracles of the immortal gods are tormented by the furies which do not allow them never to have respite, because even if they had not committed the crime were not devotees of the Gods? The way things are, you judge the blood the blood of father and mother has a considerable strength, a noble destiny and a great sense of religion, and a disgrace if the stain is not only possible but to get rid of creeps come in ' courage enough to bring the edge of madness and insanity. Do not believe it, as you so often to see in fairy tales, that those who have made some wicked and evil act to be tormented and frightened by the furious fire of torture. Each of his crime, his fears haunt him mercilessly, all his crime haunts him and the weak, the bad thoughts and terrify the conscience, these are the Furies personally and assiduously for the wicked perish which day and night for killing the children iniquitous parents.

The Romans ignored the philosophy
The philosophy has been neglected until now and had no shining example in Latin literature, and this must be made and distributed by us, so if I have helped our fellow citizens with political activity, I can still it idling. We must apply more effort in this task, because it says they are already so many books written by men avventamene is good but not enough educated. On the other hand it may happen that a rule reviews and fees that I can not express them with perfection, but as someone who makes bad use of free time and correspondence entrusted to his letter some reflection that can neither be ordered nor explained and Nor can I give pleasure to the reader. Consequently neither read their books between them and no one looks beyond, who claim that they are granted the freedom to write.

Liber Quintus Decimus
But not by human authority, or donations to the Prince, much less systems to appease God infamai went away, which I believed the fire to be arson (he believed that the fire had been ordered). So to clear the rumors gave out guilty and afflicted with much pain those who sought, despised for their crime, the people called Christians. The person in charge of their name executed by the procurator Pontius Pilate under Tiberius; eil worship evil, repressed by the circumstances, taken not only through Judea, but also where it flowed through the city on all sides and spread. Then those who were arrested and subsequently confessed to the evidence of their number were declared not guilty certainly guilty because of the fire but rather the hatred of mankind (against them).

So, spread the prosecution (the voice of the danger) of Agrippina, and the random thought, people, learning is poured on the beach, who climbed on the dock, who was coming closer to the boats came a large number of people with the Enlightenment, and overnight when they were safe, as they settled to rejoice, until they were separated at the sight of the army separated and threatening.

Consolatio Polybium
Come to take in hand the poems of the author of the two you prefer, you were not enhanced with lotus study, which ah you translated in prose so that although it has departed the facility, the original is still a good harmony-fact that you've translated from one language to another, since the task was difficult, all the qualities you on a Foreign Language: There will be no book written among those that do not propose many examples of human diversity and unpredictable situations and the tears that flow for various reasons. Read with what nobility of spirit you have been able to raise important facts.

Needless to relocate if the soul is sick
Do you think this happened only to you and you wonder if it were new to the fact that after so many variety of places you have not (yet) released from the melancholy and malaise of the mind? You do not have to change the mood in the sky (above the head). Even plowing the immense ocean, although, as our Virgil says, "The lands and civilizations fall away (more)" wherever you perverrai, vices follow you. (So) Social replied to a question about that same thing: "Why after you have (long) wandered you wonder that holidays have not helped at all? The reason that we had had to flee again ails you. " As a change of venue may (in fact) be useful? What knowledge of cities and places? Compartment is shown this wandering. Wonder why this is not you help this flight? Why run away with yourself? The soul must be freed from his burden, before they find no pleasure to dwell in one place. Do you think that your unemployment is now similar to that which gives us our Virgil (the scene) of the poet already in (full) excitement and ecstasy and dominated largely by foreign soul: "The poet struggles, almost as a great deity trying to get out of his chest. "

Carpe Diem
not ask, do not know which end is lawful alas you give the gods, leucon, not chasing the Babylonian cabal. How better to accept whatever happens, both Jupiter has allowed us to experience other winters is that, now affrange the Tyrrhenian Sea on the opposite cliffs, and the last one: Be wise, pass the wine and, since life is short, leaves distant hopes. While we are already talking about the weather will be envious fled: seize the day, how much less confident in the future.
Quaero, is, therein, itum, 3scio ire, is, therein, itum, 4DA ire, as, dedi, datum, are 1tempto, as, avi, Atum, are 1tribuo is, tribes, tributum, 3debilito ages, as, avi, Atum, are 1patior, w other, passus, sum, patios 3 opposes, is, posui, positum, 3sapio ages, is, sapii, 3liqueo ages, eg, liquid, 2reseco ages, as, resecui, resectum, are 1loquor, of quitting, Locutus sum, Loquendo 3fugio, is, fugi, fugitum, 3carpo ages, is, crpsi, carptum, ages 3

dedicated to his friend Maecenas Maecenas
O descendant of King ancestors, my gentle protection and honor, there are those coach who likes to raise with the dust of Olympia, touch the apple with hot wheels and raise the noble palm up to the gods, lords of the earth, others like if the mass of volatile Quiriti struggle for power raising three honorary posts, even if other can collect in your attic all that breaks on the wings of pounds. Not convinced never, even under conditions Attali, who is happy to weed the land palerna from fearful to cross the sea Mirloo sailor on a ship Powder. The Merchant scared when Africa raging sea Icarius enhances the peace and the campaign of his country, he, unable to endure poverty, immediately repair the ships apart. Some people do not refuse a glass of old karst or to carve out a part of the day, now lying under a green strawberry, now at a spring of holy water. Many people like to camp and the sound of the trumpet mixed with lute and hated the war from their mothers. The hunter, forgetting his sweet wife, stay under the cold sky and I've seen a deer, a boar is from the Marsi robust networks. Lifts me up to the ivy, learned prize of fronts, a cool forest and the light dances of the Nymphs e dei Satiri mi distinguono dal resto del popolo, se né Eulerpe faccia tacere i flauti né Polimnia rifiuti di suonare la lira di Lesbo. Se mi inserirai tra i poeti lirici, toccherò le stelle con la sommità del capo.
ed, is, didi, ditum, ere 3colligo, is, legi, lectum, ere 3 iuvo, is, iuvi, iutum, are 1evito, as, avi, atum, are 1eveho, is, vexi, vectum, ere 3certo, as, avi, atm, are 1extollo, is, extuli, ere 3condo, is, condidi, conditum, ere 3verro, is, versum, ere 3findo, is, fidi, fissum, ere 3dimoveo, es, movi, motum ere 3seco, as, secui, sectum, are 1metuo, is, ui, utum, ere 3reficio, is, feci, factum, ere 3 patior, eris, passus sum, patidemero, es, Meru, Meritum, 3sperno ages, is, sprevi, spretum, 3sterno ages, is, Strevi stratum, 3permisceo ages, ie, accidental mixing, mixtum, 2detesto ages, as, avi, Atum, are 1maneo, eg, Mansi, Manium , 2video ages, eg, vidi, visum, 2rupio ages, is rocks, ruptum, 3misceo ages, ie, accidental mixing, mixtum, 2cohibeo ages, ie, ui, itum, 2refugio ages, is, fugi, 3tendo ages, is, tetendi, tentum, 3inserto ages, is, servants, Sertum, ages 3

The friendship of Maecenas
Now I come back to me, the son of a freedman, all talk about me, because the son of a freedman, now because I am your friend, patron and once commanded as tribune for a Roman legion. The two things are different, because, if perhaps the envy of someone for that reason can not charge because you are my friend, being very cautious to take you from your friends only deserving people, away from any bad intention .. I can not ponderami happy for this, since they are randomly chosen to be your friend, and indeed the fate that has made you know me, once before Virgilio, Vario then you talked about me (who I was told). When I was in front of you, I said sobbing few things (that kept me from a shy child to talk more), do not say you have a famous father, not to be transported by a horse dell'Apulra the campaign, but I say who I was . How is your habit just answer me, call me back after nine months and tell me to join your group of friends. For me it is very important that you chose me, you know that separate the base by the honest, not by the nobility of origin but according to the purity of life and soul. Yet if the character is imperfect mo because of a few minor flaws, the rest is good, almost as if in a beautiful body criticized some in the sparse, if no one can sincerely reproach nor avarice, neither unemployment nor to frequent the brothels; simple and innocent as I can right to praise me, and if they are dear friends, it is thanks to my father, that poor owner of a small square, I wanted to send to the school of Flavio.
redeo, is, iui, itum, ire 4nascor, eris, natus sum, nascipareo, es, parui, paritum, ere 2invideo, es, vidi, visum, ere 2adsumo, is, sumpsi, sumptum, ere 3dico, is, dixi, dictum, ere 3sortior, iris, itus sum, iri 4prohibeo, es, prohibui, prohibitum, ere 2profor, faris, fatus sum, fari 1vecto, as, avi , atum, are 1narro, as, avi, atum, are 1abeo, abis, ivi, itum, ireplaceo, es, placui, placitum, ere 2iubeo, es, iussi, iussum, ere 2 revoco, as, avi , atum, are 1secerno, is, crevi, socretum, ere 3reprehendo, is, prehensi, prenhensum, ere 3doicio, is, ieci, iectum, ere 3collaudo, as, avi , atum, arevivo, is, vixi, victum, erenolo, nonuis, nolui, nollerespendeo, eg, banks, Pošumaví, ages 2orior, eris, ortus sum, oririsospendo, is, suspense, suspensum, ereeo iis there itum, irerefero, fers, tulips, latum, ferrerodo, is, Rosi, rosum, ere 3

isolation test is not inaction
You say: "You advise me to stay away from the crowd, to live apart and find fulfillment in the inner? What happens to those principles for which diligence must die? "Is why? I turned to those sayings that sometimes it seems that I spread and I broke up the bridges to be useful to many. Do not ever spend a day lazing: dedicate a part of the night to study; I can not resist but give in to sleep, and because waking I will hide my eyes, tired and unsuccessful occupation. I retired from business but not by the company and especially from private and now I worry for those of posterity. To these he wrote of the advice that can be very beneficial: letter to give them advice on health for very good example of the mixed drugs, showed her having been effective in my wounds which although not completely healed, however, have stopped growing. I indicate to others the right path that I have reached too late for her exhausted long sought. I say loudly: "Do all those things which are pleasing to the people and that the case will present: faced with suspicion and posting all incidental goods. The beasts and fish, before winning a hope, are deceived. Do you believe that these are gifts of fortune? Instead are nothing but deception. Any of you want to live a life as prudent, avoid treacherous on which the benefits for this reason we deceive ourselves very sadly, we thought of them and we remain attached. This race moves us down the cliffs: the inspiration of this illustrious life is falling. Then you can not even get up, when the happiness (of time) begins to move us in another way, or at least different from the path of wisdom or when once and for all begins to plunge us: there is no guide but the fate makes us fall with face to the ground and harms us. Be aware of this healthful habit of living in order to meet the needs of the body within the limits of what is essential. This should be treated more carefully because it is not bad for the soul: food Dine, drink quenches thirst, clothing shelter from the cold, the house protects it from things that can hurt. It does not matter if it was made of brick or stone from other nations: we know that man is protected by a thatched roof just as well that a golden age. Disdain all those things like ornaments and objects of beauty care with a futile effort: make yourself aware that only the mind is Wonderful, against whom there is nothing great (compared to how great there is nothing great). "

De Ira I
You asked me, Ried, who write in a way that the anger could be appeased and rightly so I think you're barking feared above all this sense, the most vile and violent of all. The other fact have something mild and peaceful, that's all inflamed in access of grief, rage for the human at all desirous of weapons, blood and death.

De Ira II
For this reason some wise men spoke of anger as a momentary madness: also unable to control himself, regardless of the attitude, forgetful of the obligations, stubborn and resolute in what he has undertaken, beyond the grasp of reason and wisdom, inspired by vain reasons, unable to distinguish what is true and correct.

De Ira III
On the other hand to realize that they are not wise those who are imbued with anger, the very aspect of these notes. In fact, as are signs of an angry and threatening gaze collided, a frowning face, a face grim, a hasty step, hands shaken, a different color, shortness of breath and irregular, so the same signs are also wrathful.

ambush on the bridge to Catilinarian Milvio
After all things were made, set the night on which the conspirators partissero Cicero informed of everything related to half of the Gauls magistrates ordered the LVF and CP by an ambush by surprise cover the Allobroges. Reveal everything for which they were sent, it allows other things to take action as necessary in the circumstances. Those soldiers settled without fuss as the reinforcements had been ordered. Encircle the bridge on the sly. Once at that site were linked to the Allobroges Volturcio and rose with the clamor of war at the same time, the Gauls immediately knew the trick without delay are delivered to the Judges. Volturcio at first urged the other, he defends himself with the sword from the crowd, when it was abandoned by the begged related Pomptino for his salvation, and finally, frightened of life, gave himself to the magistrates as enemies