Attempt failed, but above all clear!
days ago on a local weekly read of the birth of a national committee for the defense of common goods in Settimo Milanese. Well, good news. In a democracy is normal and positive citizens organize themselves to contribute to the common good, and as proof of the positivity of the event, the Mayor immediately sent a congratulatory message "for your business in the territory for a confrontation and engagement on issues of importance to the lives of our citizens." In the same article it was stated that at the initiative of Left Ecology Freedom started collecting signatures to verify the commitment of the municipal building of the house water. At this point in sticking timely notified the League's argument for the specific purpose of creating frictions and disagreements within the ruling coalition center, saying that the birth of the city committee of independent initiative Sel action on the petition was just propaganda to get electoral consensus (but think you are league campaign?) and that the council made decisions "diametrically Proost opposed to those of the committee. " We believe that the representatives of the Northern League, from the benches of the city council should pay more attention to what is discussed and resolution, and should explain to the citizens why the motion of water on the house they are talking about is individual was withdrawn five minutes before (!) commencement of work by the Board. Left Ecology Freedom does not sit in council, and could not therefore have to consider a proposal that was never officially filed. Also, if interested in the League so much water on our home territory, why not for a year has made it more organized and did not mention anything official and concrete about it? We believe we are consistent with our proposal already made official in the integrated program of the last municipal elections. And that is why, unlike others, we did not stop the ads or the words to the wind, but we have launched a signature campaign, featuring interest around the themes of environment, energy saving and the household, waste reduction at the point of aggregation and socialization of citizens, which are expected to provide good water and fresh, and sparkling, 24-hour day. We are not interested in opening a debate with the League's national secretary and his advisers that we respect for their local commitment, but we find ridiculous attempt to discredit the positive contribution to social policy and administration of our city made by a committee of citizens Sel and the coherence of its ideas and its values.
; Secretariat Sel town
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