want to give you some tips that can help you to face the test of Latin.
- When you face a translated version (it could also be a passage of text greek or even a modern language) you need to apply a logical order. Consider the translation of a greek or latin song as a fortress to be conquered. You have to attack from the point weaker. Some peg away in starting a translation starting from the first sentence, it happens that we beat his head unnecessarily and lose no time to conclude. We
- account of having come to the solution of a crossword puzzle difficult, so proceed like this: try to isolate certain phrases that can be found in the body or even in the final version, and try to orientate the direction (ie direction) that is present in the text.
- A closed vocabulary, begin by reading three or four times the entire text, trying to isolate any segment that can give you an interpretive key.
- Please note that the proposed text should have a complete meaning in itself, is that it is a historical narrative of Tacitus or Livy, whether it be a reflection of epic Seneca or Cicero. You can not get to translate something before we have already grasped the meaning.
- At this point you have to make a clever use of the vocabulary: the very word that is more difficult may be that opens up the understanding of a text, but you must be careful to note in your memory the different meanings that the same word can have.
- Beware of commas! In a revised version, commas indicate an insertion, which can also be a sentence appeal. In seeking, and this is crucial, the main clause must refer to the indicative mood, since the subordinate clause is mostly expressed by the subjunctive. E 'basic pay attention to Latin when construction does not match the structure of the Italian sentence, but, again, the same punctuation can help to share the different segments of the speech.
- If you are outside a translation preposterous and has no logical sense, you have a clear signal that the translation is not valid. And then it is advisable to review the words you seen in the vocabulary.
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