Friday, March 11, 2011

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The knowledge of medicinal plants: two new courses at Fort Sarzanello, starts Thursday, March 24 After the success of the first 2010 edition of the course "Understanding medicinal plants", the Fortress of Sarzanello proposes two new courses to herbs, one dedicated to general knowledge of plants, their cultivation, harvesting and conservation for medicinal purposes and cosmetics, while the ' more about herbs and their uses food. This is the second edition of "Knowing the wild food plants" that will begin Thursday, March 24th at 18:00 h and "Know the medicinal plants", starts Thursday, May 5 at 18:00 h. Location
important and suggestive: Fortress Sarzanello - dominating the valley of the Magra - setting appropriate and practical to enhance and broaden the knowledge of intimate, natural and cultural heritage of our region.

Both courses are handled by Dr. Ilde Piccioli, specializing in Science and Techniques of Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicine, herbal formulas currently teaching at the Faculty of Herbal Techniques University of Pisa, the master teacher of Herbal Medicine Clinic of the University of Florence and the master of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of the University of Pisa.

not only lectures: both programs provide 14 hours of courses of study including lectures, workshops and excursions. Excursions / walks "erborizzazione" provide for the recognition and collection of medicinal plants and laboratories, studied in order to learn the art of making simple herbal remedies, whether infusions, decoctions, OleOle, marinated enolates etc. Within the various events will be presented the various medicinal plants, the different characteristics botanical leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. Not only that, among the themes studied also curious about the names of plants and dialects use the same for home and commercial preparations. And again: overview on the uses, processing, extraction of active ingredients, solvents use, home adaptations and commercial preparations.

Knowledge of food uses of herbs was really important for any population during times of war or famine is still possible to draw on that heritage and make use of trees for various reasons, both for those who prefer to feed and care so quite naturally, is just out of curiosity or for the pleasure of tasting foods in an alternative way. This will be widely broadcast in the course "Know the wild food plants" and here you will learn to recognize these types of herbs to use plants as a source of food and natural medicines, to prepare liqueurs, syrups, jams, using only natural products. Two attractive proposals to deepen their knowledge and get in touch with nature. The fee for each course is 60 €. For information and contacts

0187.622080 338.7972875


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