Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Is The Difference Between The Polystingers?

Initiative 'Association writing contest AIDEA

Italian Association for Adult Education

Saturday, March 12 Aidea see at home Manin 27 seminar introduction to phonetics

A premium will to the discovery of our vocal apparatus and how produces the sounds of a language, with particular reference to English. Guide to ' International Phonetic Alphabet is the alphabet used by linguists to represent uniquely each of the different sounds that the human vocal apparatus is capable of producing. It is considered a Convention for the phonemic and phonetic representation of all languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
The seminar is open to all and aimed particularly at those who wish to have greater awareness and safety in the imposition of a foreign language.
Professor Dr. Jacopo Bianchi (f ormat at the universities of Pisa and Monaco of Bavaria ; years deals with issues relating to the acquisition of language and of neurological and psychological aspects of language learning)
Hours hours from 15.00 to 17.00 the first level / hours from 17.00 to 19.00 Level
Pre-registration by Saturday morning at the headquarters Aidea

info: Tel 333 9503490
secretary: v.Manin, 27 La Spezia


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