Thursday, August 17, 2006
County Cottage Playhouse
Unit 17/08/2006
the noble father of PRC wand the undisputed leader of the party. Argument, the most delicate, Fidel Castro
"How militant Communist Refoundation feel the need to express my dissent from the message that these days the president
Bertinotti and partner Jordan also sent to Fidel Castro. " With these words begins the letter by Pietro Ingrao, published by Liberation on the issue of August. A full-scale criticism. "For some time I think that Cuba is in place a system of heavy dictatorship, which has committed serious acts of repression of the right to dissent and freedom of opinion, on the island by establishing a climate of hard bondage," Ingrao argues. The cards to which it refers are those which Bertinotti and Jordan have decided to send to Castro on his eightieth birthday. "In his message is Bertinotti referring to the 'important presence in the world, "Castro," the path of the inclusion of the Cuban revolution. None of the disagreements that we may delete loyally expressed the hopes and emotions aroused in my generation and my country women and men of the Sierra Maestra. " A defense secretary and former Secretary replica Liberation: "The opinion of Pietro Ingrao has always," but posts by Bertinotti and Giordano aa personal capacity, reflecting the policies of the PRC on Cuba "A line of great respect, of course for the revolution and many of its values \u200b\u200band the struggle that Cuba has had to bear, in the almost 50 years, the continuous attack against the United States, but with severe criticism for the very strong limits to freedom and the conduct of democratic politics, "reads the reply. Recalling that Bertinotti and Jordan have often differentiated experience from the Castro regime and the Soviet history of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Explains the director, Piero Sansonetti, "Criticism in Cuba are all legittimissime. And of course you can not take Cuba as a model, but it was the only place that has withstood the siege American. " Inside Rifondazione confirm all the criticisms of Castro but lined up - with some distinction - with the view expressed by the newspaper of the party. And so while "remaining a step back" to the PDCI, which was closest to the maximo leader in the days of his illness, PRC does not renounce his Cuban soul. "The Judgement of Ingrao is wrong and exaggerated. We have never spared criticism either in Castro nor the Cuban party - said the deputy, Ramon Mantovani - but until there is an embargo and aggression is justified to live in conditions other than those they would like. " Rina Gagliardi, admitting that this is a sensitive issue, is keen to stress the difference between the symbolic importance of Cuba and its actual reality, "Ingrao's opinion should be taken into account, then Unit 08/17/2006
is clear that even the symbolic and emotional point of view Cuba is important for many young people. " Even the leader of the party in the Senate, Giovanni Russo Spena reiterates, subject to the criticism that "Castro in Latin America is a landmark of the criticism of liberalism." It proposes: "We fight together against the economic blockade by the United States also strongly condemned by the UN and convince the Cubans to greater internal democracy." "I think the message of hope will be a problem of civilization of a historical relationship with 900, which among other things Bertinotti know, "says the vice president of the Senate, Caprili. It differs, however, is that Ingrao Bertinotti by the minority leader of the Left Critique, Reedy: "I do not think that the debate on Cuba could be based on good wishes to Fidel Castro. I would have I done, why it is right, but I would have done well to come to Cuba to be a socialist democracy. " While other minority Trotskyite party's expressed disagreement with Ingrao. "I think it is an ungenerous assessment against this experience that certainly lives well the difficulties and may have made mistakes," says the leader dell'Ernesto, Claudio Grassi. "I'm not able to pay in a hasty way the great experience of anti-Cuba", also says Burgio (Ernest).
08/17/2006 The fascination of the Nazi uniforms
Surprisingly the book is on sale from yesterday
Here are the memories of the novelist who cites "the recruit with my name on that"
AT BERLIN. Peeling the Onion, Günter Grass's book where he confesses that he believed in Nazism and had served in the SS is already on sale yesterday. The publisher Steidl has chosen not to wait longer than September, and run it in the wake of the controversy. Here are some important steps of Memories-confession of Grass:
The outbreak of war - "My childhood ended in a confined space, when the war began just where I grew up (...) memories love the game of hide the children, he crouched. They tend to be beautiful, often unnecessarily. Contradict the memory, which wants to be stubborn and pedantic reason. "
A family murdered by the Nazis - "The war was started a few days ago when a cousin of my mother, uncle Franz, as a postman who belonged to the defenders of Polish Post (Gdansk, ed), immediately after the short fight he was shot in place on German order. The national field who signed the death sentence, after the war he was able to work undisturbed for a long time as a judge in Schleswig-Holstein and sign other judgments. Was common in the era of Chancellor Adenauer (...) in the family of his uncle Franz suddenly there was no talk more. His name remained silent, as if it never existed, as if it were unspeakable everything about him and his family. " The Reich
from victory to victory - "Blitzkrieg-breaking news sul'offensiva against France, the capitulation dell'arcinemico (...) so progressed through the achievements, like a geography lesson enlarged shot after shot after victory (...) victory some of us, too, hopefully in three or four years, if the war had lasted long enough, to go to sea, if possible as U-boat sailors. In a bathing suit we celebrated the enumeration of military successes. "
The appeal of Nazism - "Already in the last times of the Free State of Danzig - I was ten years old - the young man who bore my name was Jungvolk volunteer member of an affiliated organization to the Hitler Youth as a Christmas gift (...) dream (...) not only the uniform 'uniform seduced. The slogan "the youth should be guided by the youth expresses a life of camping, outdoor games, campfire sing (...) as if our songs could have been making ever greater Reich."
The young Grass becomes convinced Nazi - "As a member of the Hitler Youth was a young Nazi. Believer to the end. I was not fanatical, but considering his gaze upon the flag, it was said, was worth "more of death, "I stayed in the ranks, and use to keep up. No doubt tormenting the Faith, no secret that the distribution of subversive leaflets, can accomplish, no telling jokes about Goering made me suspicious. I saw the country under threat, because it is surrounded enemies' (...) In order to carry this young man, namely me, can not even say "we were deceived!" No, we let ourselves be seduced, I let myself be seduced. "
enlisted to get away from his father - 'L' I hate the son of mother to the father, this river of feelings that already moves the Greek tragedies and then made Dr. Freud and his disciples so sensitive, it was me, if not the cause, the push to try to take to sea. Sondai more escape routes. All pointed to one direction: away from here, at the front, one of several fronts, as soon as possible. "
Enrollment in the SS - "On the first floor of a great bourgeois villa in the suburb of Weisser Hirsch, I knew I belonged to that troop. My order of mobilization clear where the recruit who took my name should have been trained as a tank crewman in a training center of the Waffen-SS. Somewhere in Šumava. I wonder what I then shook, then it was impossible not to see recruiting office, what is still today - Double S - I feel horrible? (...) Then considered the Waffen-SS as a unit rather (...) choice and the Waffen-SS had also something European: French volunteers fought in its divisions, Walloon, Flemish, Dutch, many Norwegians, even neutral Sweden, along the eastern front in a battle of defense, which is he said, would save the West from the Bolshevik tide. " Certainties
then, doubts today - "There were enough excuses. Yet for decades refused to admit me, to come to terms with those two letters. What I had reckoned with the stupid pride of my youth, I wanted to hide after the war with a shame that grew in my mind. But the burden remained, and no one could ever alleviate. Of course, during training, we never hear about the war crimes that later came to light, but the alleged lack of knowledge could not cover as a veil of my choice then to serve a system that planned, organized and carried out the extermination of millions of people. "
I remember a fellow prisoner - "Oh, were then (in service, ndr) I already had the jars and nuts then, after the war, were spoils. Cans and nuts with me and a peer, in Allied prison camp in Bad Aibling, playing dice on the future. Joseph was called the boy, was so devout Catholic, who wanted at any cost to become a priest, he became a bishop, cardinal, if possible. But that's another history, that has nothing to do with my memories of the service, in the dark wood. "
Launch Editor - August 17, 2006 Agency Zadigroma
Scienza7 - the news of Ulysses
The gene that makes us more human
called HAR1F is responsible for the growth of the cerebral neocortex
It's called HAR1F and one of the genes that distinguishes us from chimpanzees, and that only helps to make humans unique. The gene was discovered by a group of American researchers coordinated by David Haussler of the University of California at Santa Cruz and is described in an article published in the journal Nature.
The researchers compared the genetic sequences of various animals (chicken, chimpanzees and rats) with those of man in search of the major differences. Thus, it was the role of gene HAR1F which operates in one of its most delicate moments of brain development of the embryo, and that is when you form the neocortex, the region in which occur the more complex brain activity. So HAR1F is expressed in that part of the typical human brain, which is why it has been pointed out as "gene watershed", which somehow helps to separate the man from the ape.
The gene is located within a region of the genome, called HAR1 (Human Accelerated Region 1), which has changed enormously in the last 5 million years and have emerged as the main differences (at the genetic level) between men and chimpanzees. In fact this region there are fewer than 18 differences between the two species, compared with only two instead found by comparing the chimp genome with that of chickens.
The study also showed that the gene is linked to HAR1F Reline, a substance that is involved in the development of schizophrenia, in AD and in a rare fatal disease that affects one child in every hundred thousand called lissencephaly. If it were confirmed that HAR1F is a regulator of Reline, would open up many perspectives for the therapeutic treatment of AD, since this disease is really caused by a high level of Reline.
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