Liberation 08/18/2006
In Italy women are beaten and killed. And the Supreme Court comes to justify the rapes
Hina and Jennifer, victims of patriarchal culture (not religion)
Laura Eduati
in the Italian Parliament, which reserves only 12% of seats in the representation of women Women are an object property of males. That ill-treatment, rape, kill them. We have often published figures: every year 200 women killed by their husbands die from boyfriends, lovers who can not stand their rebellion, their will to love one another or another life. The assassins are all, or almost Italian. How are Italian in 90% of cases, the authors of the approximately 30 thousand rapes and attempted rapes every year in our country.
Speaking of Hina, slaughtered and buried in a pit in the backyard, we forgot to another grave: that he died asphyxiated Jennifer Zacconi, twenty of Martock (Venice) massacred kicked and punched by the father of the child who wore that would bear on her lap and just fifteen days later. Niero Lucio, owner of a nightclub, her son did not want him. And so he decided to solve the shame (he was married and could not bear the idea that his wife came to know of betrayal), removing the young girl. In the name of what god and what religion was killed Jennifer?
Sallemi Mohammed's father, Hina, but could not stand the criticism of some of the Pakistani community who pointed at him as a pater familias incapable of being obeyed by his daughter. The day after the death of Jennifer Gazzettino an editorial in the bubble as a "simple girl": a free and beautiful girl who spent his evenings in the disco and that was granted to a man eighteen years older than her, and moreover married. Too, the provincial-Catholic culture in the Northeast. Mohammed
Sallemi Hina said he killed because he did not want to become a Western girl, that is one of loose morals. Like Jennifer, Hina loved going out at night, going dancing, working as a waitress at a night club, smoking pipes and drinking beer. In a few months had traveled that route of emancipation that Italian women have made in decades, but in many parts of Italy remains an elusive goal. The brutal crime beating case: 5 July last Frank B., 36 years of Macerata, was found dying in a dumpster. The night before her husband, artistic director of City Theatre, Italian, and certainly a man of fine culture, had filled the barrel and then was closed in a black bag. Then, as you do with the garbage, threw it on. The two lived separate and apparently she did not want to get back together. Still, two days ago, at Syracuse, a man who murdered his wife and mother-in-law and then hanged himself. Neighbors say the couple fought often.
After the slaughtering of Hina, Giuliano Amato has second thoughts on citizenship in five years, and studies to prolong it to seven. "The woman is respected according to rules that I consider to be universal," he said. However, rules that seem to cloud over in Italy. In 2005 the World Conference in New York Berlusconi's government received a harsh reprimand: reactionary and unacceptable, he said, the stereotypes with which it is depicted the Italian woman. Provocative sex bomb in advertising, media and even by the week female. In short, if not a saint is a bitch. As the Court of Cassation, which last spring gave the attenuating to a rapist because the victim, a minor, was not a virgin and thus the shock from the sexual violence was certainly appeared less strong. In Pakistan still maintain the tradition of terrible gang rape to punish women stained with dishonor. In Italy the rape has often extenuating circumstances: you had your jeans are too tight (they were removed and then you do), you were already accustomed to sex, oral sex was just at the bottom of your husband raped you. Still, the Supreme Court in 2003 ruled that is not a crime to justify rape. He was referring to the story of a woman who for years has suffered the attentions of sexual stepfather. When she complained to her husband, they replied: "What can I say? And 'My father can afford to do what he wants. "
The Italian media are doing the story of Hina, the story of a community, that Pakistan, which fails to integrate into Italian society. And by extension resurrects the ghost of Islam irreducible. This was stated even in La Repubblica Francesco Merlo three days ago: Hina's murder was "an act of war against the West," as if only women in Muslim communities suffer the abuse of men. Bossi said: "If you give him citizenship may be that some will vote for the party, but men have their roots depth, and men always return to their roots, their history. " Iranian Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi recalls how often these roots are not at all religious but patriarchal, and that sharia (Islamic law) often has nothing to do. This is demonstrated by genital mutilation, castration of female sexual pleasure equally practiced by Christians, Muslims and animists. For Daniela
Santanché (An) is instead the fault of the Qur'an: Time in comments published yesterday on talk of "places" (Muslim communities in Italy) "where the Italian laws - which guarantee everyone the right to life, health, dignity, freedom of speech and behavior - are not worth more. " This is partly true. But why not extend the protection of Muslim women to Italian women? In Bologna, the Prosecutor opened an investigation against some foreign families where it is suspected, the fathers abuse their daughters desirous of a more Western lifestyle. It is not difficult to imagine that in other houses, Italian, take place the same conflict. After all, as pointed out yesterday the Reformation, the honor killing was abolished only in 1981. And until 1996, sexual violence was considered a crime against morals and not, as today, against the person. 1996. Ten years ago, not centuries ago.
Liberation 18/08/2006
Hina's murder, religion, dogmas
The advantages of relativism
Marco Aime
will now begin the easy smash on the cultures. So too, when events happen such as those who have seen Hina, a poor Pakistani girl of twenty-one years, brutally killed by her family, perhaps from the same father. It will blame Islam and so on. As if before there were no incidents so heinous individual responsibilities and faults of individuals who think, bad, bad, and that is attributable to a religion autoassolvono the inevitability of what happened.
ends then there is divided between those who, by of all grass a beam, sharpens its intolerance towards foreigners in general, joined in a single pot of culture "other" and among those who believes that the dictates of religious texts are an essential and immutable law. The risk is always that we are dealing with two cultural fundamentalism, which they attribute, with entirely different purposes and motivations, cultures coercive power over individuals and tend to become puppets of a tradition created by someone who knows when, often by a prophet.
Humans, however, are not monoliths Unbreakable, grow, it is true, in a cultural frame of reference, but not into one. There's only religion, as there is only the family, school, but also your friends, external influences that change, the media. And then people move, they encounter new realities, creating new cultural landscapes, where old and new horizons are mixed, often without much consistency, as in any cultural system.
Hina was young and how young people had been quicker to absorb the stimuli of the new reality in which they were found to live. Not the Pakistan Muslim but that of a country western, secular, though steeped in Catholicism. A country where relationships, especially between men and women are different and where love can be grown outside of the choices of parents. Like all young people, rightly, Hina clashed with their parents. The generational conflict is the engine of evolution and change, but his family, or rather, the males of his family have accepted it. Right
condemnation: the alibi of culture can not be a mitigating factor, although not Forget it, until a few decades ago, our law provides for the crime of honor. Just as we can not forget that a few months ago a woman was hit in the head by a gunshot sparatole by his brother, who started from Reggio Calabria to Messina to reach where she lived with her unwelcome new partner to family. Again, there's no cultural excuse. How many Sicilian women who have rebelled against a tradition that the family would be subject to the authority? And how many girls like Hina, born in a foreign country, came to the West and have adapted to the new environment that have changed their way of life? Surely they too will have had more or less strong disagreements with parents, arguments, tests of strength, but I managed to win their place? Of course, not news, we do not know and therefore do not know.
And again, how much "culture" is really certain gestures? We can always give the company the sins of the individual? We would have the courage to say that there is a cultural predisposition of young people throwing rocks from overpass Tortona? Or minors in Novi Ligure to kill their parents? Or maybe we have to admit that there are facts, gestures, actions that will contain its own little culture, which are emptied of shared meanings and belong to the sphere of deviance rather than that of culture as such, ie as a heritage experience. The murderess
Hina is not a Pakistani, is, above all, a murderess and must be treated accordingly. Relativism is a great achievement of Western thought, and these facts lead and plenty of fresh water to the mill of his detractors, but not be relativists is to fall into a fundamentally opposed to the ethnocentric. Relativism is a dogma and that is where his power, when granting the possibility of allowing exceptions. You can accept, not necessarily share aspects of other cultures, as well as you do not necessarily have to accept all the options from those cultures.
Too much emphasis on the cultures leads to excesses, but to adopt a less rigid and classificatory perspective does not mean abdication by the relativist, if anything, to refine and contextualize it. There are arguments that have varying degrees of criticality. An example: we can compare the veil to that of female genital mutilation? It is in both cases of cultural issues that take us back to the debate between relativism and universalism. Moreover, even in the case of the veil, there are distinctions. If in the case the veil may be easier to reach a negotiated solution, compared to the mutilation, at least personally, the prevailing sense of protecting the integrity of the body. The right to freedom from violence can and must no doubt be extended universally. This does not mean that everything outside our habits is to be condemned a priori: there are varying degrees of otherness. In some cases it is easier to mitigate the impact of the difference, in others less, in others not at all. "Impossible to draw a clear line of boundary between what we believe acceptable and what's not, because in many cases the question does not concern the entire society and therefore its culture, but the individual morality. In our society we have the same anti-abortion and abortion, divorce and antidivorzisti, people favor the use of stem cells and others against. The difference is that the "anti" prohibitionists tend to, while others allow freedom of choice. For this relativism is not a faith, because it has no dogmas, because it leads to exclude the other, creates no "infidels."
Here, therefore, the death of Hina in a much more complex than that refers to a mere profession of religion, or a dominant set of values, which could conceal the many choices that every individual, regardless of culture, can make and which is solely responsible. Literature Liberation
No prescription of psychotropic drugs to children
Dear Sir, I am a mother of two boys spendidi, but especially the grandmother of a beautiful granddaughter and three years of age in these two capacities I wanted to communicate, through this letter, my great concern and my internal disagreement about the authorization and approval to the administration of the antidepressant Prozac to minors and children of at least 8 years of age. When I remember my mother that my children sometimes, in their infancy and adolescence, have had moments where they were sad, depressed, as they say now, and why triggers were varied: one vote bad in school, a turnaround of his heart, having been left by the girl, a loss that caused them in a temporary declining interest in the life of every day, crying and insomnia, but my husband and I, armed with love, understanding and patience and good will, we have been able to immerse ourselves in their reality and to help address the problems of time to time presented themselves, and then resolved in the best way. Now they are adults, work, have a family and live life! With their ups and downs, like all people in the world! The moods are not diseases! I've heard of this antidepressant in the past and I know that was the focus of heavy controversy in America for his numerous and dangerous side effects, including agitation, change in behavior, suicidal ideation and homicidal ... and for being connected to episodes of the news, I remember in particular some school massacres committed by adolescents under the care of antidepressants. I conclude my letter saying with a loud voice: "No to the prescription of psychotropic drugs to children." In so doing, kill their natural vitality, the light in their eyes, kill them and our future! I will continue to play grandmother, love my niece, not poison!
Agnese Ferri e-mail
Liberation Letters 18:08:06
Hina Saleem. The problem is the religion
Dear Editor, in this strange summer, unlike other times, it has the power to silence the big problems facing Italy, the fact of Hina Saleem, a Pakistani girl killed by her father and brothers in law, is a compilation of many issues dealt with by "Liberation" on issues of primary concern such as women and religion. I read the articles about the story on "the Republic" and its newspaper and, ignoring what I believe is not to be taken into account (I refer to Rule Francesco Merlo who speaks of "strawberry" to be protected) but I appreciated the article by Monica Lanfranco. But the thing that amazed me the most are the broadcasters, "he wanted to live the Western way ..." Hina said, as if the Western way was better or worse than the East or other world cultures, or as if ' Islamic fundamentalism, with the one who preaches the Koran, it is better or worse than what he preaches the Catholic Church on sexuality, family, procreation and the relationship between man and woman. Care is hardly the problem to find a better or worse between East and West or between the various faiths who are all, without exception, for centuries the main proceedings of war and destruction. The hope is to think of research about human reality, the unconscious reality that leads to a clean and true sexuality, unconnected with any religion, unrelated to any rational and ideological beliefs. The passion is reserved precious thing for human beings more "beautiful", is the comparison between two human identity, and perhaps this freedom that unleashes the most unheard-of violence towards those women who have the courage to live risking their own lives.
Patrick Cencetti via e-mail
Republic 08/18/2006
Paul Boringhieri impresario Freud
Reminder affectionate Renata Colorni
Luciana Sica
Patience and unconscious, were these - for Paul Hogarth Press, who died in Turin at the age of 85 years - the main virtue of a publisher. From the public was already long gone, taken from his many passions: from traveling to the music from the mountains to the discovery of family roots in the Engadine.
But who cares? There are people - like himself - capable of great undertakings that remain forever, that's what counts, and it almost goes without saying that Paul's name will remain linked Boringhieri adventure publishing the complete works of Freud first - it seemed a folly was a challenge to overcome - but also Jung and then Abraham and Ferenczi, Anna Freud and Melanie Klein, Reik and Binswanger, Kohut and Piaget. But even Einstein and physicists of the twentieth century more. He loved science
Paul Hogarth Press, accuracy and peremptory nature of his language that bears little mediation, pointing enthusiastically about research papers. He hated the other hand, disclosure, those who contemptuously called "pseudo Bignamini. Its catalog ranges from anthropology to electronics, biology, chemistry, economics computer science, from mathematics to geology, linguistics, psychiatry. A discipline that instead the publisher has always openly warned refined and sociology: often banal, predictable, full of cliches, influenced and conditioned by the political appeal of its ideology and its utopias.
If Freud is irresistibly drawn to him because psychoanalysis was born as "medical science", because he spoke of psyche and soul. This does not prevent him from facing a disorderly and unsystematic as author Jung, an addictive puzzle game, a fascinating rediscoverers own soul. But for Paul Hogarth Press, however, are twelve volumes of the great Sigmund - released between '66 and 80 - the "Tables of the Law", what really matters in psychoanalysis. No doubt the Italian edition of Freud - the first integral in Europe - Was the result of a broad and systematic philological rigor, a work that has relied on the direction of Cesare Musatti but especially on the translation and care punctually Renata Colorni.
She is now the head of the Meridiani Mondadori, to remind the editor disappeared, the friend of all time, those long years that saw her beside him, every day side by side, to return to the Italian master of sophisticated prose Vienna, the true meaning of his writings. "I'm very saddened," says Colorni. "I had only met a few weeks ago ... He was tired but lucid, peaceful, although still puzzled by some recent re-translation of Freud's very questionable. Paul was a person of great discipline, persistence and purity would say, in pursuing its goals. He believed so much in what he did, as a true breed of publisher concerned first and then philosophical hermeneutic aspects of science. I feel very indebted to him, I will always be grateful for giving me so much confidence. "
Boringhieri Paul has always recognized the role of "priestess" of the company, has most often recalled with admiration, described as "very good" and "passionate." He joked about the role instead of Musatti, a psychoanalyst - he said - very overrated, that does not exist at the international level, although it has had the undeniable merit of introducing psychoanalysis in our country in years in which it was opposed by the Church and the Marxist culture, even before indexing and derided by fascism. In any event, if there was to work hard, you Musatti pulled back willingly. "
was just the way it went, Colorni lady? Answer some 'diplomatic but sincere: "To Musatti especially liked to do his job as an analyst ... Well, it was a director of Max, which certainly gave an impression to our overall work, but there is no doubt that you could see a couple of times a year. "
1957-1987: thirty years of publishing the story lasts exactly Paul Hogarth Press, which begins Einaudi as an editor in '49. Accepted Council in publishing for eight years to participate in meetings on Wednesday celebrated with a select few of the "prince" Julius, who in '57 to sell the scholarly editions. It is the turning point, is the year of foundation of the new publishing house in Turin with the logo of the starry sky. Boringhieri Paul started his own and is dedicated to promoting the science, not in opposition but next to the humanities. 87 the decision to sell 90 per cent stake in Romilda Bollati, keeping a small portion which should enable it to retain some voice in the more strictly scientific and psychoanalytic.
The Presidency is entrusted to the new owner, a friend dear the youth, the CEO and his brother, the brilliant Giulio Bollati, the vice-presidency remains in the hands of Paul Hogarth Press that blindly believes in the alliance, but soon it will come out wounded, and stubbornly silent. Colorni
is still to recall the story: "Even with ten per cent of the shares, Paul was convinced that" their "editorial line would be respected. But Giulio Bollati had the draft of a publishing more "generalist", a small Einaudi ... The split was inevitable, and certainly very painful. "
(Basic Books Paul's funeral is scheduled for 10:30 this morning in the Temple of Valdese Torino). The
18/08/2006 Newspaper
Paul Hogarth Press, the last of the human sciences pioneer
Stefania Vitulli
"Thirty years ago the publishing culture allowed a man like Paul Hogarth Press, deeply passionate about his work and his decisions to allocate a person inside the publishing house to coordinate, review, translate, annotate, treat the works of Freud. I worked for six consecutive years on this issue without taking anything else. Today, a publishing house could no longer afford such a thing. " So in an interview a few years ago Renata Colorni, now director of the Meridians, recalled one of the pioneering companies publishing Paul Hogarth Press: the translation of the complete works of Sigmund Freud. Colorni
When he arrived at the Hogarth Press in 1973, with the ambitious project began in 1966 with The Interpretation of Dreams, Basic Books - founded in April 1957 - was known to often provide the first Italian translation of major works. Trained Einaudi, which he joined in 1949 as editor and director of the series was released as, Hogarth set up his own by noting the Einaudi publishing scientific, economic culture of the Library, a collection of religious studies, ethnological and psychological and Manuals Einaudi.
engineer passionate about philosophy, born in 1921 in Turin, but with a Swiss passport for the son of a former consul of the Swiss Confederation, the publisher chose the symbol of the heavens and the word "celum Stellatum ', with the aim of promoting science alongside the human sciences, in an attempt to integrate traditionally separate cultures in which Italy would have been the main and perhaps only, a spokesman.
One of the monumental projects original publishing house was built with his friend the philosopher George Colli: The Encyclopedia of classical authors, published from 1958 to 1965 to give the reader "as something alive and personal, which is a first class that is a classic, presented in its authentic words, without mediation. " A Colli gave direction and writing - in many cases - of introductions (published posthumously in the collection to Adelphi in 1983, making the idea of \u200b\u200bthe uniqueness of the project) together with the drafting of Florence, which included collaborators Mazzino Montinari, Gianfranco Cantelli, Piero Bertolucci. The work was shut Ninety titles in eight years, seventy-six only in the first five, for "a strange series in which Hills had proposed to republish all the books read by Nietzsche, especially under the influence of Schopenhauer. Even if it were only that, it gives us a respectable slice of nineteenth-century culture, "says Giuliana Lanata text accompanying note in the collection of introductions: from Hölderlin to Taine, through Chamfort, Vauvenargues, Hume, Voltaire, Burckhardt and the Upanishads.
Boringhieri of titanic companies were many, from the classics to the history of technology, but one for which he is still remembered is the translation of Freud's works, for which he wanted as a leading exponent of the then director of psychoanalysis in Italy, Cesare Musatti to create, as he wrote in an article published in Psychotherapy and Human Sciences in 1989, "the issue that for decades could be the reference point for Italian scholars."
omnia was through that work that was created in our country a common terminology of Freudian psychoanalytic language, even though the work was not without its critics: the apparent slowness in output due to the need to create to a real "global translation" by standardizing some 6000 pages of a classic German, originated discontent from the defenders of "publishing in the most superficial," wrote the same Basic Books, so that the publishing house "was even accused
" added, "to delay for art, for its hidden purpose, knowledge of Freud's thought."
Thirty years after its foundation, with eight hundred titles in the catalog, Hogarth gave 90% of the shares in her hands by Romilda Bollati, who entrusted the role of CEO with his brother Julius, who is also the school Einaudi. He stayed for a while and then vice president devoted himself to his passion: traveling, music and mountains, especially the region of Switzerland, the Engadine, which he dedicated his last work, Fragments of a pedigree Engadine, which ended last June for the cantonal archive of Chur
Unit 18/08/2006
Under the stars of Paul Hogarth Press
Maria Serena Palieri
will be held this morning in the Temple of Valdese Torino Boringhieri Paul's funeral, who died Tuesday at age 85
"The period between the two war was the period of the spread of psychoanalysis in the world, the translation of Freud's works in all major countries: America and England, in France, but also in Spain and the English-American countries, and also - at first - the Soviet Union. The only European country where the spread of psychoanalysis had difficulty it was Italy. " So Caesar Musatti introduces the context in which, between 1966 and 1980, would have seen the light of the first Italian edition of the complete works of Sigmund Freud, in twelve volumes, edited by him, in psychoanalysis My twin sister (they were both born , joking Musatti, September 21, 1897, he from the belly of a mother suffering from jaundice, psychoanalysis from a historical and "bilious" Freud's letter to his colleague Fliess). Because Italy had remained impervious to the enclave science of the unconscious? According to Freud, Musatti remembered, because the Italians would be willing "to resolve the drives in an open," to be a nice outgoing, well, wanted to create us without complications. Musatti instead ascribed responsibility Croce's idealism, "which excluded the possibility of any scientific psychology 'and fascism that, like any dictatorship, as then Stalinism, did not like what eludes public policy: the unconscious and its subversive potential.
Publication - late - of all the works of Sigmund Freud, in the Italian translation edited by Renata Colorni, under the supervision of Musatti Caesar, was the masterpiece editorial by Paul Hogarth Press, the publisher who died yesterday at the age of eighty-five years. A company in a sign of his inspiring idea deeper: Exceeding the divorce between the 'two cultures', the humanities and science. Founder of the publishing house of the starry sky, Hogarth had held the reins until 1987, when he resolved to divest 90% of the shares to Romilda Bollati that, under the direction of his brother Julius, he would become, by Basic Books Publishing, Bollati in Boringhieri. Remained vice-president, not long after he abandoned it altogether.
Boringhieri Paul was born July 4, 1921 in Turin by a family from the Engadine. Held a Swiss passport. And a passion for the history of his homeland and his family who had poured into the preparation of fragments of a pedigree Engadine, which ended this June. As the stories of "his" publishing house in recent years had been taken away: of course should not have made him like the scandal of the new edition of the works of "his" Freud, edited by Michele Ranchetti, philological so casual as to arouse a complaint of ancient curator, Colorni, and be withdrawn from the market.
His father had made a note in Turin brewery, in the end of Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, and was consul of the Swiss Confederation. The youngest of four brothers, Hogarth His adventure began publishing in 1949 in the most natural place for a time in Turin, in Einaudi. Engineering student and lover of philosophy, was accepted as a science editor, in rooms that housed Luciano Foa, Cesare Cases, Franco Fortini, Italo Calvino, Renato Solmi, and where the next year, after the suicide of Cesare Pavese, would also come Daniel Ponchiroli and Giulio Bollati. In 1951 Giulio Einaudi launched the scientific issues and gave them to him. Thirties, Hogarth began attending the famous meeting on Wednesday, with Norberto Bobbio, Balbuena Fern, the same Bollati, accepted among the 'chosen'.
The publishing house under the trademark of the firmament - taken from a printing of the fifteenth century - was born from one of the periodic economic crises in via Biancamano: Einaudi in 1957 gave it the scientific culture of the Library, the Library of economic culture, the manuals and the "purple necklace" of psychological studies, ethnological and anthropological born to inspired by Cesare Pavese. Thus, in the Italy of high school and Cross, appeared a publishing house that had the intention of being the only science, but not an enemy of the human sciences, indeed, interested in dialogue with them. Today's followers out there, for example, the sumptuous publications of the Code of another former Einaudi, Victor Bo. Then it was a sober and elegant revolution. In the catalog of Boringhieri over the years have found place the works of Einstein and other great physicists of the twentieth century, but also the Encyclopedia of classical thought edited by Giorgio Colli (the latter was born to draw up a special drawing in Florence, with four employees). Those who are interested in psychoanalysis knows that this catalog is not only Freud, but also the works of Jung and stories powerful and valuable as the discovery of the unconscious Ellenberger. To clarify the climate of the publishing house, that is the memory that Renata Colorni, in an interview, gave the work on the "summa" Freud: "I worked for six consecutive years on this issue without taking anything else. Today, a publishing house could no longer afford such a thing, perhaps a foundation, a study center, a National Research Council. " I also mention the singular attitude of indifference on the part of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society in respect of the work, as well as the bizarre detachment Musatti attitude towards the lexical-philological. In titles Boringhieri These range from Spinoza to the Upanishads, from Descartes to Euler, Goethe, Darwin.
To understand who is the publisher of this 16 August 2006 is gone, the right words are those with which Gian Arturo Ferrari, his pupil, now boss of Mondadori, a few years ago but dismissed it with a nostalgic substantial farewell the tribe of pure publishers: "All I know I learned by Basic Books, an extraordinary person, dominated by an obsession after his meeting with Freud. So I know very well the culture of publishing, his charm, elegance of that 'environment, its high values, his passions. But that world is over. The myth of the publisher / owner is a myth of the twentieth century, a century that we leave behind. "
Unit 18/08/2006
died in 85 years, the publisher who brought psychoanalysis in Italy by publishing the complete works of Sigmund Freud. A company created under the banner of his inspiring idea: to overcome the divorce between humanistic and scientific
Einstein, Eliade and Jung in his firmament
Gian Carlo Ferretti
Boringhieri The publishing house was born as an offshoot of Giulio Einaudi in almost literal sense. Paul Hogarth Press it had become editor at Einaudi publishing a reorganization that was begun in 1949 continued until 1952. In the middle there was the suicide in 1950 by Cesare Pavese, who had opened a big gap positioned in steering and drafting of the publisher. In those years, a well-established figures such as Secretary-General Luciano Foa, had been joined by two young men just out of the Normale di Pisa Ponchiroli like Daniel and Giulio Bollati, for to become the chief editor and the other a first co-general manager and then director general, and also Solmi Renato and Paul Hogarth Press editors for the respective economic and political texts and scientific texts (Basic Books, in particular, from 1951), Cases and Cesar Franco Fortini and consultants, while growing up was the weight of a consultant-author-editor like Italo Calvino. An environment very formidable.
in 1957 to deal with one of its periodic financial crises, Giulio Einaudi yielded to his editor Paul Boringhieri scientific issues, and therefore also the 'purple necklace "which had been founded and directed by its Pavese and Ernesto De Martino from 1948. Giulio Einaudi would recalled later that "sad spin-off '(' a bit like a leg amputated), the loss of economic culture of the Library, the Library of scientific culture, the manuals of agriculture, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, mathematics, medicine, psychology, etc., as well as the "purple necklace", namely that collection of religious studies, ethnological and psychological. Paul Boringhieri inherited as a legacy of the authors and titles. The "purple necklace" in particular, with works by Jung, Levy-Bruhl, Frazer, Kerényi, Eliade, an initiative was as much as against the rigorous and forward to those years. In contrast ie, the 'raging historicism' (as he wrote Pavese), and the ideological prejudices of the common policy in the same area was part Einaudi. But
Boringhieri build on that strong base and regulate this vast range, designed and developed a production of exceptional importance, also opening to linguistics, philosophy (with Nietzsche and Chomsky), the classic texts of Eastern religions, and gaining a specific role especially in the panorama of Italian sections of psychiatry, psychology and psychoanalysis. A rich production, divided into three blocks of closely linked together, as one might read for example in the General Catalog 1974: "The Universal scientific Basic Books, a series of widespread low-price, works of information and discussion in science and, in general, the theoretical thinking, texts and manuals have more direct academic and educational destination. " At the center of this catalog are placed for full publication of the writings of Freud and Jung. The publishing house
Boringhieri was refounded in 1987 by Giulio Bollati. In the House he would not be detected past the new house only a temporary vice-president of Paul Hogarth Press publisher, and its wealth of scientific literature and modern classics, many of which are replicated by Bollati in various editions and necklaces. Would change and new development also would have found the power of search who had united in the past Einaudi House and Home Basic Books in a vision specialist and do not separate the scientific culture and humanistic culture. A live search of the rest behind even the small firmament with the words celum Stellatum logo, adapted from the late fifteenth century, already adopted by Basic Books and taken from stamp duty. Which would open just the catalog Boringhieri other strands of tradition Einaudi, from literature to history to social and political essays. An innovative evolution then, and at the same time a fruitful continuation of the previous experiences that (despite certain differences between the old and new publisher) would recover the identity of Paul Boringhieri built and established for several decades, in a cultural context that is often indifferent or even hostile. This evolution also consistent with the history of the planning and design catalog and Einaudi, and in contrast with the rather antiprogettualità astoricità design and Adelphia, despite superficial similarities.
Gian Arturo Ferrari called it "an extraordinary character, dominated by an obsession after his meeting with Freud» 08.18.2006 Liberation
Basic Books, farewell to the editor of Freud
of Monica Cappuccini
must be tackled in new times with new instruments. It could be summed up the spirit that animated the work for nearly six decades Paul Hogarth Press, founder of the publishing house of the same name, died on Tuesday in Turin, his hometown at the age of 85 years. Ironically, the year of mourning is one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis that Paul Hogarth Press has the merit of having made known the mind of the Italian public by publishing the complete works in 12 volumes, since 1966 and until 1980.
Born July 4, 1921 by family from the Engadine (Switzerland), Paul Hogarth Press began his career in 1949 at Einaudi, learning the craft, together with Italo Calvino, Cesare Pavese directly. It was the first member of the editorial board and then in charge of scientific issues. Divorced from the parent company after eight years, reaching below four series (the Library of scientific culture, the Library of economic culture, the collection of religious studies, ethnological and psychological - the famous "purple necklace" - and Manuals Einaudi), which formed assets with which to start the independent project that bears his name. In 1957 it began to leave the publication of books bearing the logo of "cielum Stellatum", suggested by the same symbol Giulio Bollati (his former colleague at the Einaudi and future member). These were the years when the brewery Boringhieri (Owned by the father) had found their intellectual society in Turin to discuss and talk about culture, because they always worked even when it was in a restaurant or in the bars outside the city. The novelty of the program
Paul Hogarth Press was publishing the full integration of cultural, literary and philosophical. Program that was able to enrich the publication of the works of Freud, Jung, Einstein and more physical of the twentieth century. Acted as a pioneer and made breeze. In 1966 he began his most ambitious project, the publication of the complete works of Sigmund Freud in twelve volumes, a commitment ended in 1980 with the collaboration of Musatti Caesar, the father of Italian psychoanalysis. An operation of enormous scope and meaning today incomprehensible without taking into account what was the condition of the publishing culture of the time. "I worked for six consecutive years to coordinate, review, translate, treat and record all the works of Freud - said in a recent interview with Renata Colorni, the translator chosen by Paul Hogarth Press -. When I arrived at the publishing house had already left some books but there is not a common terminology, a glossary of coherent and compact Freudian psychoanalytic language. It 'was a very complex job. " The company not only contributed to the spread of Freudian thought but did school in the way of books, calling the possibility of a cultural project that was shared by the authors and placed within a framework of contributions that together would make to society and politics.
30 years after the foundation of her child, Paul Hogarth Press had retired from the publishing world. In 1987 she reached the decision to find a strong partner to strengthen the company. The Boringhieri a shift to 90% in the hands of Romilda Bollati, who becomes chairman and chief executive officer assigns the role of his brother Giulio. Paul Boringhieri remains, but not for long, vice president, before leaving the publisher and his hobbies: traveling, music, the mountains and the rediscovery of his family roots in quell'Engadina which he has devoted a book (Fragments of a pedigree Engadine) ended in June. Today
Bollati Boringhieri is different from what was in the sixties and seventies, but has maintained the distinction of turning the spotlight on science, remained central in the catalog. Francesco Catalucci, current editor of Bollati Boringhieri recalls: "The last time I met Paul was last spring. He said that he would like to see finally published the last volume of the works of Jung (19 / 2) expected for ten years. A project that will be made next year on the occasion of 50entario of the publisher. " Paul's funeral will take place in the morning Boringhieri Today in the Temple Valdese di Torino.
La Stampa 18/08/2006
Death publisher Paul Hogarth Press. The masterpiece: the complete works of Freud
Alberto Sinigaglia
E 'dead on the morning of August 16 Paul Hogarth Press, the Italian publisher of Freud, Jung, Einstein's shy and stubborn in our culture of fertilizer late twentieth century, he died in the house on Via Po, born July 4, 1921 in Turin, the youngest of four children, had a Swiss passport, because his roots were in the Engadine, which until last investigated.
Father James for twenty years was consul of the Swiss Confederation, the which came confectioners, chocolatiers and brewers like him. From the "brewery" in Piazza Adriano district was called 'Zone Basic Books.
After the two years of engineering, mechanical engineering apprentice in an industry, but passionate about philosophy, Paul learned that Giulio Einaudi was looking for an editor.
The brother had studied with Gustavo Einaudi, Massimo Mila, and Felice Balbo, the central figures of the publisher. Joined in 1949.
They gave him to review the drafts of lies and enchantment of Morante. Past
to scientific publications, edited the "blue series' history of science, parallel to the" purple necklace "of Pavese and De Martino, and the 'necklace brown' private economy.
Received in the Editorial Board, he participated for eight years at the famous meeting on Wednesday with Bobbio, Balbuena, Bollati and other elected representatives of the "prince." The
which in 1951 created the Einaudi publishing scientific and gave them to him until '57, when the economic difficulties led to sell them.
Boringhieri chose the symbol of the heavens with the inscription "celum Stellatum 'and a bold program: be the first Italian publisher totally dedicated to science and promoting, not in opposition but in addition to the human sciences. It would have been the only one.
Varò the Classic with two wins: Galileo and Euler, a brilliant mathematician German of the eighteenth century, which is engaged in mechanics, optics, ballistics, hydrodynamics. Start a
History of Technology: "On science and technology - said - civilization is destined to rest." Flanked by the physicist Luigi Radicati di Brozzolo and psychoanalyst Pierre Galli, renowned consultants, churning out papers on mathematics, biology, electronics, computer science, physics, humanities and social sciences, psychology and psychoanalysis.
Cartesian spirit pushed Boringhieri to weave more and more science and philosophy, technique and thought.
With the philosopher Giorgio Colli staged the Encyclopedia of Classical authors.
ranged from scientific history in Eastern religions: Boyle, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Darwin, Burckhardt, Nietzsche, Sanskrit Upanishads. Then
Descartes, Diderot, Goethe even a little-known. Why
Boringhieri plumb well as relations between literature and science, demonstrate the philosophical and literary qualities of Freud and Einstein, placing them among the giants of the cultural life of our time.
So the publisher had to dare the great adventure: All the Works of Sigmund Freud in twelve volumes. "He's a scientist - stated - but also a classic of German literature."
to give strength and support had meanwhile arrived Oretta of Suni, wife beautiful, sweet, full of charm. Began in 1966, The Interpretation of Dreams, a company Editorial complex, passionate, rigorous.
"It's crazy, from the economic side." He next Musatti Caesar, the greatest exponent of Italian psychoanalysis.
Midway hired Renata Colorni, wonderful translator, who gave the production rate, it became the soul, Vestal.
In 1980 he completed a final, admired and blessed the children of Freud.
Challenge won. The Hogarth Press was now the publisher dreamed of by its creator and like him, reflecting experiences, tastes and insights.
course with courage, generosity to publish works that did not share the ideas, but sniffed important. Thirty years after its foundation, the height prestige with eight hundred titles in the catalog, profile of a general crisis of the book, Paul Boringhieri thought that we should strengthen the company.
accepted the proposal of a friend of youth, Romilda Bollati: 10 per cent of the founder, the vice-presidency, respect for the brand and the line, to her 90 percent and the presidency, his brother Julius, he too brilliant pupil Einaudi, rebellious, the role of managing director. "I really think that Julius will be? It would be great. "
was. Einaudi joked, "prince" mischievous, calling "Bobo" the alliance of the two fugitives, who had taken the same day of 1949. Joked too, in result, the name, "" Basic Books Bollati "moving the accents, euphonic wrong. "Bollati Boringhieri" is a fine sevenfold. "
we have seen, was not just a matter of metrics. Paul Hogarth Press reposed so much confidence in the alliance, as he was injured. He left the publishing world, forever. Silence. No statement. Neither agreed to it recently, in the hundred and fifty years after the birth of Freud, when the discussion came Bollati Boringhieri retranslations of his works.
aside, returning to the philosophers, heard Beethoven or Stockhausen. Traveling.
In Turkey led Herodotus to the text in front. Mountaineer, skier, hiker, mountain hut Cesana, attending the Engadine threw himself headlong into the study of family genealogy and local history, going back to the thirteenth century.
It has just started a full-bodied volume, Fragments of a pedigree Engadine, Paul Hogarth Press was unable to deliver in June Archives Kantonalbank Chur, capital of Grisons.
Detailed, thorough, punctual. How firmly believed to be the knowledge and wisdom.
Liberation 18/08/2006
Ezra Pound, the "better craftsman" between East and West
Alberto Bertoni
prominent figure on the poetry of the '900 and strength driving force of modernist movements such as the image and voriticismo in 1945 he paid with his internment in a psychiatric prison his anti-American positions and filomussoliniane. Today is an icon for the culture of the right
Who had the intention and the need for, last summer in England, to buy ABC of Reading (The ABC of Reading), an essay by American poet Ezra Pound (born in Idaho in 1885, but moved to Europe from as early as 1908, in London, Paris, Rapallo and Venice, where he died in 1972 and where is still buried in the Protestant cemetery of San Michele) you would come across in a bitter surprise, hardly anything, in fact, in the impressive mountain libraries in cities such as Liverpool and Manchester, was available for his vast work, if only for a single copy of the text's most popular paperback, The Cantos. A lack so blatant and unjustified could not fail to surprise the Italian lover of poetry, though accustomed to deal with the unavailability of works in verse or even fundamental essays on the shelves of "their" libraries and "their" public libraries. It was a real contemporary example of condemnation and damnation of memory, that even the most civilized, libertarian (?) England were not aware - in plenty of third millennium started - which exists, at least from 900, a principle of division between the books almost always radical products and personalities of their authors biography.
It 's a fact of life that lives by gray, antiheroic, petty-bourgeois psychology and vile, sick, resulting contradictory works quietly decisive, durable, brilliantly inventive and surprising each line. In contrast, writers (or directors) that stand as true heroes civilians, embodying a widespread feeling, do not produce works that boring, predictable flat. The finding boosted his value if he sees - in addition - the authors indulge in political attitudes and thoughts openly conservative or - worse - reactionary. Of course, for the health of our players look impatient and distracted by the matter that is revolutionary, not its creator.
The case of Ezra Pound, from this point of view, is indeed striking. He embodies in fact one of the highest and still alive, present poetic experiences of the twentieth century, despite the fact that - on the ideological level - has been an admirer of Mussolini and a supporter of the Axis powers, against the United States and its allies during the Second World War . Pound paid a heavy price for this apparent obsession with articles and radio broadcasts. First, in fact, was exposed to ridicule, suspended in a cage like an animal in a U.S. prison camp near Pisa. And here he composed the admirable sequence of the eleven said Pisan Cantos, with verses so beautiful, "Smell of mint under the flaps of the tent / especially after the rain and a white ox on the way to Pisa / as the face of the tower / black sheep of the field ' and exercise on rainy days the clouds / mountains lower than the guard towers. "
It was later reported in the United States to be tried and imprisoned for twelve long years in the psychiatric prison of Saint Elizabeth. Its anti-Semitism, in fact, had never taken accents racial and racist, but purely economic: and coincided with an absolute horror to American capitalism, in the belief that the money matches the wear (almost an anticipation no global thinking in terms of today) and every war is motivated by economic factors.
course it is not as an economist or rickety, aberrant ideologue, but as a poet, talent scout (for example, Joyce), cultural critic and essayist Pound plays a primary role of protagonist in contemporary poetry. He moved, in the wake of Henry James and in keeping with Eliot and Hemingway, the United States in Europe, he contributed primarily to rebuild and make it again problematical and risky assets such as the concept of tradition, no longer based on a ' idea of \u200b\u200ba museum where you collect artifacts for a passive contemplation, but on the principle of energy, which is transmitted by the work of art that interprets the consciousness, interacting with experience in place. As a matter of Pound, a poetic language is always an investigative tool, which is charged with meaning to the maximum extent possible and what it emits is similar to electricity or radioactivity, a force that instils, save and unifies.
This feature of consciousness dynamics of contemporary poetry and the new legislation embodied by Ezra Pound (in the passage by the legacy of the tumult of the avant garde symbolist) should not take second place to his poetic work, already well delineated since the year ' 10. Belongs to 1916 for example, this couplet, In a metro station, which is considered a supreme example of the poetics of the imago, which later authors such as Eliot and Montale would have expanded the institute's "objective correlative" in the name of a visual poem, allegorical and concrete: "These faces appeared between the crowd / Petals on a wet black-and-branch '.
convinced advocate of free verse, as the poet must always write to the rhythm of the musical phrase and not according to the metronome, Pound put his hand in those years '10 to the great poem The Cantos, an admirable example of structural polyphony (likely alter Joyce's Ulysses ego in verse), where it enters different materials (reflective prose, economic, historical, mythological, a reporter), intonation, and above all different languages. Pound, in fact, was a philologist of great stature, an attentive reader of the Provencal poets and Guido Cavalcanti, as well as a keen interpreter of the strange and ancient Chinese poetry, from which it takes a key role in the ideogram of pre-figuration film and no longer abstract, and the tradition of Japanese Nô. All these elements combine to form the apparently spurious texture depth of the sample of contemporary epic, The Cantos, able to remain apart from the script - often contrived as causal relationships based on respect for - the romance genre.
Advisor and close friend of another star of European poetry as the Irish William Butler Yeats, editor and contributor to leading magazines such as "Poetry", "Dial", "Criterion," standard-bearer of the idea that the translation becomes an extension of interpretation, creativity and risky work of poetry, Ezra Pound has rearranged and updated the artistic tradition of the Western world and Eastern Europe, the Middle Ages and modernity tumultuous and mechanical and collision of the opera with the history and economy is all to savor the work output of him that Eliot - taking Dante - has aptly called the "better craftsman."
Liberation 8/18/2006
Pietro Ingrao's sister and mother of Maria Luisa Boccia, has disappeared yesterday
Hello Anna, the host messenger " policy and living
Rina Gagliardi
Anna Ingrao, sister of Peter and mother of Maria Luisa Boccia, was born in Lenola 86 years ago. In 1941 he married Ubaldo Boccia, magistrate, with whom he shared almost 40 years of his life. He had four daughters, Vincenza, Maria Luisa, and Valeria Marcella, and two grandchildren, Waldo and Roger. Passionate about politics, she entered the PCI immediately after the war, living in the 50s section of S. John '70-'80 and in that of Balduina. The 80s were also those of feminism for her, Virginia Woolf at the center of Rome. In the 90's, Anna has published two volumes of poetry: "Guest messenger" and "Flame and approach." He was working on a third collection, still unpublished, which we propose a snippet: "being is more than the say / but that strange rave / feel to be in saying"
Mann, Maria Luisa Boccia asked me to review a rather unique book: it was the first volume of poems by his mother. A lyrical and captivating title, "Guest messenger." This year sober as a plaquette aristocratic and, together, illegal immigration. I read it - and I read - with interest: they were beautiful poems, inspired by a lyrical and existential continuum very addictive. The author was a woman who discovered the poet in his maturity, not fancy, not looking for any worldly glory, but for a deep need to communicate with "others." I liked this too. It appeared to me a challenge in some way "winner." Now that Anna Ingrao has disappeared so suddenly, as I have known really. And I seem to feel the bitter test that at this time are subject Luisa, his sisters, his cousins. And Peter.
Anna and Peter were very close, had a special relationship of intimacy. They talked a lot, the night, especially during the long summer evenings. They exchanged ideas, and perhaps memories, opinions and feelings. She, who for almost his entire life was dedicated to the family - a husband and four daughters to care for, a political militancy in the Communist Party, which had never failed - with the passing years had been "conquered" by the female, the most sophisticated, educated and radical "Center Viriginia Woolf: It must not have been easier for her to share that experience with girls much younger, much different - but it did so, and surely He must be out there transformed into a point in life where most people tend to play himself, herself ever, and still dare not venture out on new paths. And you can imagine that even for Peter, so able to provide evidence of his extraordinary humanity in the form of research and curiosity, this was another occasion for us to "know" and "recognize" his sister. Moreover, in the family Ingrao, in its various generations, differences in political, intellectual, professional, characterizing each, there is a special ability not only to live with him, but to be, and each in their own way, an individual unique, rich in autonomy. I think of Julia, so different from Anna, so immersed in the community of "Cupid and Psyche" but so, too, sister of Peter. And Anna. And until a few years ago, Ciccio, a man and a wonderful doctor, who also died in a sad day in August.
I think, most of all, Maria Luisa, in which for three months in the Senate, has started a joint work hard, exciting company policy - and passionate. Between a classroom and a commission, or long pauses to wait for a vote, Luisa spoke daily with his mother - and I have often seen worried because Anna was not well, could not get out much, she felt cut off from the "center of things ". He sensed a deep and mature but complex relationship between two women who were not united only affection, or that special umbilical cord that connects a mother to her first creatures, and then children to their parents become elderly and frail. Now, I feel even closer to Louise, and the power of intelligence and policy that can express.
Other things you would like to say, but words are likely to become redundant. Peter, Luisa, to Julia and the whole family a hug branch. For Anna I would only say: "That the land will be mild."
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