Unit 08/24/2006
The radical left," Go Lebanon without ifs and buts'
The interposition is a must for peace. As an attempt to reconstruct
"a reasonable political order" in the Middle East
Wanda Marra
Rome 'UN mission, we are pacifists if we try. " So yesterday's editorial headline in Liberation, signed by Rina Gagliardi. This view is in line with the actual campaign of sending an international force in Lebanon that the newspaper-Rifondazio
it is pursuing. And besides just the PRC is among the strongest supporters of the mission, along with the rest of the radical left, which it seems on this occasion to inaugurate a real turning point, giving assent to a military mission. Little to no political groups that demonstrated against the war in Iraq for a peace "without ifs and buts' and have always been contrary to the mission in Afghanistan. But the question of Lebanon, they say, is another matter. It is a necessary contribution to peace.
The Italian contingent, Gagliardi writes, "can not or do not win the war, but the service of a more ambitious political project: to rebuild, in the region, a" reasonable political order "." Explains the author of the article: "We had asked for this mission, halt the conflict. And today this is the essential duties of a pacifist. And then it is a strong discontinuity with the act of foreign policy. " A Castagnetti argument that without France Italy should not participate in the mission, has been countered by the position of Deputy Foreign Minister of the PRC, Sentinelli: "A step back in Italy? It would be a mistake, "he says, he was right to D'Alema," when he says that we still have to go "even if France formalize his thoughts. As the leader of the party in the House, Best: "We must accelerate," he says, because "the hesitation of some European countries could derail the UN mandate. "
short, the radical face, but the concerns expressed by some dissidents in some areas and that wind movement is pro-Lebanon in a compact manner. "Being a pacifist does not mean being helpless - said the leader of the PDCI-Greens in the Senate, Manuela Palermi - it is trying to put his hand in that conflict." He explains: "This is a mission of great nobility, in which Italy has played a leading role." While
Angelo Bonelli, president of the Greens in the House, the majority annunciache ask to check the possibility of using the Italian troops in Afghanistan to Lebanon. Among the pacifists believe the needs of the mission also Alberto Asor: why in Lebanon, "one should be satisfied that it was clear that Lebanon will not go to strike or to offend anyone or to make police operations." The left
DS, albeit with soft tones, is convinced of the need to go to Lebanon. "I support the peacekeeping mission under the UN auspices, but I still have any doubt about the rules of engagement. The central task I can not be the disarming of Hezbollah, but the maintenance of the ceasefire - declared Fulvia Bandol (left ecologist - of course I was more convinced when it came to a force within the European Union as a whole. But we have gone a long way forward. " "In Afghanistan it was going to export democracy with peace, here is a contribution to peace. It is very different - says Massimo Villone, Salvi area, including dissidents who wanted to vote no to refinancing of the mission in Kabul - would rather a serious parliamentary debate. " And Gloria Buffo of correntone Afferni: "This mission must be used to stop the war and make possible an agreement for the entire Middle East. Even though I fear that someone on the floor in the hope internazionalre failure of this mission on behalf of a settlement of Israel in southern Lebanon. "
Gazzetta del Sud 24/08/2006
Psychology. It was decided at a glance if a person is attractive or confidence-inspiring
Just a tenth of a second for lightning
of Ferdinand De Francisci
ROME - The dress is not the Monaco, do not judge a book by its cover: proverbs to say not to rely on mere appearances. In reality, however, when we encounter a person is the first impression that counts. Precisely enough for us one-tenth of a second to decide if someone is attractive, fair and inspires confidence. All very quickly, before our rational part can affect in some way the reaction because the intuitions about attraction and trust are first formed in our minds. To say it is research conducted by a Princeton University psychologist Alex Todorov, published in the journal Science Psichological. "The link between facial features and character - says Todorov - may be subtle, but do not prevent our minds to judge people at a glance. We decide very quickly whether a person has in fact those features that are important to us, as the friendliness and competence, without having exchanged a word. " Janine Willis and Todorov, coatrice research, conducted several experiments on about two hundred people. In one of these tests have asked them to look sixty-six different faces for three different times, each of 100 milliseconds, 500 milliseconds and a full second. After each face appeared on the screen for a moment and then fade away, they had to indicate whether they had found the one that inspired confidence and also because they were confident in their analysis. Experiments with other similarly tested other sensations, such as friendliness and competence. "What we found is that - Todorov continues - if you gave him another chance, the verdict of the people on their faces did not change. Who looked just became more sure of his opinion, as the time increased. The reason why the brain instantly making judgments is not yet clear. " According to the psychologist, who studied the brain activity with a particular type of resonance magnetic images, the part of the brain that responds directly to fear may be involved in judgments about trust and honesty. "The fear response involves the amygdala - continued - part of the brain that exists in animals for millions of years before the development of the prefrontal cortex, where rational thoughts originate. We have the idea that trust is a rather sophisticated response, but in reality, our observations indicate that there may be a case made from high-profile part of the brain very easily. Perhaps the emotion prevents signal to pass from the cerebral cortex. " This does not mean, however, Todorov adds, that "the first impression and can not fast be overcome by a rational argument. Once that time passes and you know the person - he concludes - develops a more general and comprehensive. I still do not know the characteristics of the face that leads to such an inference. What we know is what makes a face attractive, such as its symmetry, the proportions of its parts and likeness. But what in the face makes us think that this person is reliable yet do not know. This will be the subject of future study. "
The Morning 08/24/2006
Giorello: "The assumption is freedom"
Corrado Ocone
Giorello Julius, owner of chair of philosophy of science that was his master Ludovico Geymonat University of Milan, is certainly the best known Italian epistemologist. Academic activity, he joins some time intensive journalism in particular, to defend the freedom of scientific research by the interference of fundamentalism of all kinds: first, that of the Catholic Church on issues of bioethics. His recent pamphlet in defense of secularism (of any church. The freedom of the laity, pp. 79, € 7.50), edited by the publisher Cortina, was a real publishing success: more than ten thousand copies sold. With Giorello look at this Interview problems and consequences related to the theme of happiness, keyword of this part of the new millennium, as a suspect by many festival of philosophy, but already in his time focusing by the masters of utilitarianism, in whose wake the thought of Giorello moves. Professor Giorello agree that happiness is a difficult concept to define. What is it? It is a state of mind and prosperity that depends from the interior of an individual, or achieve an objective or a specific project to him outside? "In a way maybe a little 'schematically divided into two types historically the answers to the question from her post. A first family of great philosophers, whose parent sample and Plato, held that happiness was the achievement of the highest good of an idea of \u200b\u200babsolute good and deemed ideal. And because this is good for everyone, these philosophers have often delegated to the social machine, the state, the task of achieving happiness for all, with the serious risk of promoting a more or less strong authoritarianism. Whether it's a very ambitious and demanding the very idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness can also be seen in Kant, linking happiness to virtue in the context of a strict ethic of duty. But there is another group of philosophers, whose chief representative is, I think John Stuart Mill, who has strongly denied that there is a highest good for everyone. For them, every one must pursue and achieve, or believe to have achieved the happiness in his own way, from his personal tastes. Everyone is a judge of his physical, mental, moral, and the State do not have to meddle too much. Indeed, it must be respectful of these special features. At this critical perspective of utilitarianism I feel very similar. " Everyone is happy in his own way, then. "Happiness is like the truth does not matter so much the possession of it, because its constant search. He is happy if no one disturbs us in our efforts to reach it. " Yet, that happiness was something applicable only to the private sphere do not think was common ground for the Enlightenment. There are even constitutions, like the U.S., the recall in its wording. "The Enlightenment, as I learned Geymonat is a very complex and varied phenomenon not reducible to a unique concept. The Enlightenment idea, however I believe the only philosophical conception liberating, emancipatory and progressive. And lighting, in this sense is a phenomenon that continues today, as he continues his fight against obscurantism. When I praise the Enlightenment, I think especially irony and intelligence of Hume or of many thinkers of the eighteenth century Scottish and Irish. Except for Rousseau, happiness was However for all the great thinkers of the eighteenth century individual. And the U.S. Constitution is very clear: we will not guarantee happiness, but his pursuit by everyone. " But we have not defined the concept ... "Yes, but because it is somewhat indefinable. We can say that each person follows his own nature and that in search of what he wishes he continues to exist as an individual. I mean, that is the same as being free and not serve as the beasts. " Making a jump today, the concrete, how does the fact that the models triumphant public especially popular imagination sees in wealth in ostentatious luxury, in physical and in possession of material goods the way to happiness? "Without moralizing. And not propose any kind of pedagogy, which often fall into error philosophers who by nature tend to place themselves one step higher than other individuals. I dream that everyone can pursue in its own way, in a free and unbiased, the pursuit of happiness and perhaps believe that it has reached. Although I know that no goal can ever give us this reached a final. And that often live in the illusion, only the illusion of having reached or to know what constitutes. Moreover, as a philosopher, I know that we live in illusion and that life would go on without them. This applies to everyone, for he is happy if he has a better luxury car and those like me are content to have, as an old Irish proverb says, a bottle of whiskey always full. For those who have a concept of happiness for those who have spiritual and physical. Enough with the ethical dark who want to teach others how to live! Can not you change the look with anger those who have other values \u200b\u200bthan ours. Giordano Bruno on one side sang the heroic fury of scientific research, the other wrote that he would be happy if he had the six hundred women of King Solomon. I would not say that those looking for material goods is an expression of a world that has lost the dimension of meaning. They are not therefore agree with the views expressed recently in your newspaper by Sergio Givone: no you can do violence to your personal taste. " Professor, its exaltation of the individual in this state can only be minimal. Yet the idea of \u200b\u200ba paternalistic state does not seem to disappear, as shown abnormal amounts of sneaky and laws that would regulate every aspect of our lives. "With the State must use the machete: cut as much as possible. The State Dad makes me afraid of fathers each of us has already had one, and that was enough. For the rest, I repeat: that everyone should do his sun rise where it wants. "
Republic 08/24/2006
The strange case of a genius invisible
The mysterious story of Grigori Perelman, who solved "the Poincaré conjecture"
Piergiorgio Odifreddi
The eccentric character has been missing for years from the university, more interested in collecting mushrooms
Fa discuss the story of the scientist who refused the Fields Medal, prestigious as a Nobel
The lack of interest in prizes and money may have little obvious explanations
When you can prove a theorem, perhaps the honors do not count
How can we characterize the shape of Dante's Paradiso? It would seem a question for literary critics, and instead it has haunted mathematicians for the entire twentieth century, becoming one of the most important open problems of the century as important, by joining the small list of the seven Millennium Problems described in an eponymous book by Keith Devlin (Longanesi, 2004), for solving each of which the billionaire U.S. London Clay put at stake in 2000 one million dollars. Anyone who posted a reply to be able to overcome the scrutiny of the mathematical community for a period of at least two years, he would have pocketed the money. And, if under the age of forty, he would surely also won the Fields Medal, which is the analogue of the Nobel prize for mathematics.
seemed that this was doomed to Grigori Perelman, a thirty-seven Russian St. Petersburg in November 2002 and March and June 2003 the network began a series of notes in which sketched a solution to the problem. Unfortunately, those notes do not meet the necessary conditions for the award of the Clay, never having been rearranged in a real article subject to revision of the official reviewers, even if the ideas contained in them seem to be the right ones.
Paradoxically, however, to win the million dollars may not be the same Perelman, who has since disappeared from the university and has made it known that he had "devoted to other things', and in particular the collection of mushrooms, but four mathematicians ( Bruce Kleiner and John Lott on the one hand, and Huai-Dong Cao and Xi-Ping Zhu other) a couple of months ago they released a complete solution to the problem using his intuition.
Nevertheless, the opening of the four International Congress of Mathematics held in Madrid the other day the contribution was recognized from the allocation of Perelman's Fields Medal. But to receive the award from the hands of the king of Spain, the winner was not there: the president of the International Union of Mathematicians John Ball has announced that in a long conversation "polite and pleasant," he had refused . Apparently, neither money nor honors can flush out the eccentric mathematician, who thus emulated the only two winners Nobel Prize that they have voluntarily declined: in 1964 Jean-Paul Sartre and Le Duc Tho in 1973.
To understand a bit 'better formulation of the problem solved by Perelman, let's remember that when Dante looks at the Paradise Earth seen from the skies as a growing number of spheres, reaching a maximum in the First Mobile. To look beyond the Empyrean is accompanied by Beatrice, where he sees the premises as a series of angelic spheres decreasing, reaching a minimum in a dazzling, Beatrice explains that God is, paradoxically, that in fact this point is the ball more, and encapsulates everything that seems to enclose: Dante's universe is composed of two sets of so distinct spheres, a sensitive and increasing and decreasing the other celestial, whose centers are respectively the Earth and God
This complicated structure recalls the ancient maps of the Earth with two series of concentric circles, centered respectively in the two poles. Who looks at the Earth from the South Pole would in fact, like Dante, a growing number of circles corresponding to the parallels in the southern hemisphere, reaching a maximum at the equator. Go to this, then would see the parallels in the northern hemisphere as a series of diminishing circles, reaching a minimum in the North Pole. However, if the earth would open like a flower, the parallel northern and southern surround him, and the North Pole unfold all around.
The mapping is only one way to represent the spherical surface of the Earth on the flat surface of a sheet, and indirectly make it understandable to two-dimensional beings who were not able to directly perceive its spherical shape in three dimensional space. Similarly, the representation of Dante's Paradise is just a way to represent three-dimensional space of the surface un'ipersfera, that of a sphere surrounded by three-dimensional space to four dimensions, and indirectly make it understandable to three-dimensional beings like us, who do not we can directly perceive a fourth spatial dimension.
Dante has therefore proceeded by analogy, inventing more or less consciously un'ipersfera three-dimensional sphere is the two-dimensional, as this is the one-dimensional circle. A nice insight, explained in detail by Horia-Roman Patapievici in the eyes of Beatrice (Addison). E 'hunch that anticipates by centuries the same century literary invention of the delightful novel Flatland by Edwin Abbott (Adelphi, 1993), which offers an introduction to the geometry of multidimensional painless.
say that the structure of Dante's Paradiso is un'ipersfera is not an answer to the question, but only its reformulation: the true mathematical problem is how to characterize the three-dimensional hypersphere in other areas four-dimensional space. In 1904 the French mathematician Henri Poincare proposed a solution in a note to his work, taking himself as Dante, or, by analogy with the case of the ball or if you prefer, of the Earth.
Of course, the essence of the Earth is to be more or less flattened at the poles, but to have a more or less spherical, and not, for example, a ring (at least, managed with a hole). Interest of the 'essence' and lose interest in the "more or less' is the characteristic of the so-called topology," the science of places. " And from the topological point of view the Earth is characterized by being the only closed surface roundabouts on which people can be contracted without breaking up to focus on one point: if the Earth were not made as a ball but as a life jacket, the roundabouts that could run around the hole or around the buoy could not shrink more than a certain limit, as in real life no one could take out a circle that revolved around a lake or a building.
Poincaré conjectured that the same was also true for the hypersphere, in other words, that Paradise was the only three-dimensional surface for which all the angels of roundabouts can be contracted without breaking. Similar conjectures can be made for the ball more dimensions, and the surprising thing is that they were resolved very before the original one for the hypersphere: namely, in 1960 by Steven Smale for the ball five or more dimensions, and in 1982 by Michael Freedman for the sphere in four dimensions. Of course, that is Smale Freedman won the Fields Medal for this work in 1966 and 1986.
therefore left open only the case of the sphere in three dimensions, that is precisely solved by Perelman. Which was already a famous mathematician before, as evidenced by the fact that he was invited to speak at the International Congress of 1994 and in 1996 he received the prize of the Association for European Mathematical talent: a prize that, as you can imagine , had refused. Naturally draw media and public such behaviors of the young Russian the immediate inference that Perelman constitutes another embodiment of the combination of "genius and insanity," but the reality may be less obvious and deeper. When
for my encounters with extraordinary minds (Longanesi) I interviewed Andrew Wiles, the mathematician most famous of the world, in fact I wondered if he was disappointed to not be able to prove Fermat's theorem in time to win the Fields Medal, and he replied: "If someone proves Fermat's theorem, does not care as much about the Fields Medal." The same thing applies to the Poincaré conjecture: if one has understood the structure of Paradise, it probably does not care of the Earth, including its people rich and the poor honors that they dispense.
Unit 08/24/2006
CASE Mario Fiorentini, a distinguished mathematician and partisan, says its about why the Russian genius has refused the Fields Medal
"And if the rejection of Perelman was political?"
What does the "Poincaré conjecture," one of the scientific puzzles of the century, with the partisan attack on Via Rasella? O topology, the branch of mathematics that studies the forms, with the fight against fascism? Well, since the path of history are endless, a relationship exists.
all began two years ago when the Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman is listed as one of the possible winners of the Fields Medal, the Nobel of mathematics (but we will see that the definition is at least inappropriate). The prize was to be transferred to the Soviet genius for having loose, in fact, the age-old dilemma of "Poincaré conjecture." A problem that fatigues the scientific community since its commencement in 1904. Except that Perelman - who a month ago in an interview with the monthly magazine The New Yorker had called "interest-free 'recognition - the day before yesterday refused the medal. Deep mystery about why. The scientist merely say that for the moment not release interviews and check back at a "few months". So far this is known history. However
idea about the reasons which led the Russian scientist in the "great refusal" to advance another eminent mathematician, Mario Fiorentini. Former professor of higher geometry at the University of Ferrara, an academic career came late. A degree in mathematics and physics has taken after the war. Not before, there was nothing else to do.
This gentleman over 80 years and still going strong in fact was the "director" of gappisti who organized the attack in Via Rasella del'44 March 23. "The author of the story and screenplay," prefers to define himself in an interview that appeared in these columns a few years ago. Today, this man who lived
leading much of the century has something to say about the motivations that led his Russian counterpart to reject the prestigious award (with the resulting prize money).
Professor, which may have been the reasons which led Peralman to refuse the Fields Medal?
"This prize is awarded since 1936 and has neglected the Soviets. Remember that the Russian school in this field was the largest in the world. Of course, the Americans had, thanks to immigration scientific post-war, a prestigious tradition but the Russian bred from scratch an entire generation of mathematicians. Generation that did not go, in my view, the right recognition. And then need to make a clarification. " Tell
"Often they say, and you write, that the Fields Medal is the Nobel prize for mathematics. Not so. It is a recognition that is given to young mathematicians - under 40 years-and therefore not a prize for excellence absolute. The truth is that "Nobel" for mathematics does not exist. "
Why this gap?
"When the Nobel Prizes were established, mathematics, unlike now, was the queen of the sciences. A premium even felt the need. It was better to encourage physical ol'astronomia.
professor, but she would have refused the Fields Medal?
"reject an award, also prestigious, is not crazy. Sartre refused the Nobel Prize, and Alexander Grothendieck, the mathematician, in my opinion, bigger than the 900, had the Fields Medal, but then did not accept other cash prizes. What I can say is that maybe than Perelman had to accept the medal to receive the money and then donate to the Union of Russian mathematicians. "
La Stampa 08/24/2006
Cogne, was held
Change the defense of Anna Maria Gianni
TORINO. Anna Maria Franzoni, the mother of Cogne, and says it again: "I am innocent. I did not kill my son Samuel. " And when there is no month to the resumption of the trial before the Assize Court of Appeal of Turin - she only charged with murder, a conviction at first instance in 30 years in prison - at his home preparing Emilian Apennines the latest surprise move in view of the decision: a new lawyer to be included in the defense team.
Still nothing official, sworn in Court that no appointment has been officially filed. But there is a name that was put emphasis in legal circles in Turin: the lawyer Claudio Maria Papotti. Criminal said, a scholar of great knowledge of criminalistics and forensic medicine. The first, in '85, when he was only one law student with a passion for the fingerprint, to find the skin of a young Slavic killed in Turin, the fingerprint of his murderess. And there's a strategy. The office does not take the place of Carlo Taormina, but it would enhance the role in the classroom with a specific technical task: to convince the Court that no, the blood stains found on the pajamas Anna Maria Franzoni not prove anything. Or at least not enough to prove that she was killed. Why
net of all that has been said and written since the body of the boy Samuel was found with his skull smashed in Latvian Mom and Dad - January 30, 2002, a Wednesday - that is what you speak. Spare cloth and blood stains, splashes and trajectories. Everything else - the alibis and witnesses - are clues that are in the background of the last great Italian trial. Useful elements, if added to the report, to strengthen the argument of the guilt of Anna Maria. But still clues and, in the view of defensive Franzoni, or almost no weight, when placed outside of a context hinged on the examinations of the police officers of Res.
Furthermore, it is perhaps questionable psychiatric both on the mother of Samuel? Same card, opposite conclusions: one indicates the sane, the other partially capable of discernment. And then there's the matter of the murder weapon. An ashtray? A mineral? A spoon? An ice pick? A boot? Mystery. One of the many.
Certainly, the task that Franzoni are preparing to entrust Papon's lawyer is difficult. And their move may seem risky, perhaps even desperate, when there are two or three months just to review that will probably be the definitive one, except that the Supreme Court considers formal deficiencies in the process. But at the end of this long summer of reflections spent with her husband and children, Anna Maria Franzoni seems more determined than ever to do battle. He has already refused to undergo a fresh examination by psychiatrists, and said loud and clear, even in anger, ever, ever agree to go for a personality border line, capable of killing the son and forget to do so, as it is written in the documents lodged at the Assizes. "I will not discount the pain," she insists with whoever is next. "I'd rather be a lifetime in prison for innocent rather than guilty free." And to no avail the advice of those who said to do the math, "the semi-mental illness can lead to reductions also very sensitive to the penalty." No: she wants the full acquittal and "the real killers hunt for my son," as he repeated in the classroom to the president Romano Pettenati.
The picture of the case means it's a faint hope. But her family at all, none of it. And though they now deny all ('Hypothesis without foundation, "cut short the phone Stefano Lorenzi), look out here the temptation to resort to the lawyer-criminologist, who defended accused doctors in many medical processes, where once again count the studies, only those, and the parties' ability to know how to read and eventually dismantle.
Moreover, the world is full of stories that seem to have already been written, and instead reserve a surprise ending. As the last case, that of JonBenet Ramsey, the American model baby who died in December 1996 and found dead strangled in the basement of the house, a villa in Boulder, Colorado. Even there an investigation under the media spotlight, interviews, a mountain of expertise, then the suspicion on the parents. Before the mother killed her in the throes of rapture, after the child had wet the bed. Then the father was to him, harassed and so he killed.
Finally, the acquittal of both, and now, after 10 years, a former elementary school teacher who comes forward and confesses: "I am the culprit." Maybe so. Perhaps it is a mythomaniac. Probably no one will ever know for sure. Literature Liberation
Law 180. Enough with the clichés
Dear Director, writes about the article "Reforming the law 180? Proposal captive-communist" on "Liberation" of August 9, 2006. We never thought to see replicated in your newspaper the most common places used by prohibiting those who in fact grows buttocks prejudices about mental illness and does not know or pretends not to know this law .... the clarification of Senator Valpiana has somewhat reduced the problem, very well placed to fire even by Dr. Luigi Attenasio in his speech of August 10, however, continues to tinker and stir, even on the left, in a memorandum of argument that, frankly, not exactly give off a pleasant smell ... "Today it is fair to adequate health care treatment and care," insists the Dott.Patrignani, and, again, "who has mental illness, if not actual mental health problems, must be the place dedicated to the treatment and care "that is, in short, places (closed and, possibly, private) in which segregation (even for life) patients: this is the content of the bill Buric-Procaccinibocciata a vast movement ... It is all too familiar with expressions that are based, when not on the bad faith on the most gross ignorance of the spirit and content of that noble law, as well as sanctioning the closure of asylums, model and paradigm of each camp, called simply, the rules and procedures for the conduct of the "treatments SANTARI mandatory '(Tso) in respect of the dignity and rights. It is, rather, rather than change, to verify whether the guarantees provided for by law are properly observed and we have reason to believe that many abuses are still committed ...
certainly a serious scientific debate, a clear comparison on many experiments carried out in Italy at the close of the last century would auspices and probably esremamente useful if based on objective knowledge of the facts and not confused and contradictory views and winks to ways of thinking that certainly have little to do with a truly progressive vision of medicine and the world.
Marinella Cornacchia
President Regional Association for Mental Health Onlus
Jerome Digilio
president emeritus
Rifle fifth vice-president
President Regional Association for Mental Health Onlus
Jerome Digilio
president emeritus
Rifle fifth vice-president
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