Monday, August 7, 2006
How To Fake Akidney Stone
Future 08/08/2006
Nobel Laureate reflects on his psychological problems and proposes a new perspective: "Maybe you look into madness, of course unconsciously, a escape from existential tensions unsustainable "
And if the mental illness was a choice?
of John Forbes Nash
A psychologist friend confirmed to me that the attitude towards people with ulcers has changed since it was discovered (two Australians), the same bacterium that causes ulcers. The victims of this disease now tend to be viewed as people suffering from a condition that can be adequately treated with antibiotics, not as persons with behavioral problems, lifestyle or psychological states "wrong." It is true, as regards mental health, which seems more desirable for those struggling with this problem, that the evil resulting from any error of thought rather than a 'brain dead', essentially beyond of any possibility of adjustment. If we consider the human brain as the chip Intel or AMD computer, we can gain another perspective on mental illness, which corresponds to the malfunctioning of the computer processor. A computer that does not work the way you want is in fact similar to a mind that does not respond the way you would like the family, society, or even heaven. When a computer malfunction, we know that the cause may be hardware or software. There may be errors in it, or viruses and worms that prevent the activity. Continuing the analogy, it is possible that in the case of a mental problem you should have recourse to a psicoterapueta if the problem is with the software, but at a Doctor type of allopathic homeopathic than if the problem is the hardware. So, what is best for those who are labeled mentally ill, be treated as defects with computer hardware or software? But above all, a person with schizophrenia can do something voluntarily, for their health or not? Etymologically the word insanity [Madness], willingly used by judges and lawyers in court, stems from the concept of health. "Mens sana in corpore sano" says the Latin proverb that refers to the root of insanity. But what is healthy from the point of view of the courts does not match the perspective of those working in the field of mental illness. A person may seriously suffer from depression and yet be considered legally "healthy" as long as they do not show a risk of suicidal behavior. So, as soon as symptoms of psychosis maniacodepressiva is classified as crazy. In fact, the madness is still a legal concept rather than medical, which does not condemn. Persons who at any point in their lives are judged mentally ill should be automatically classified as schizophrenic permanently fatal cases of bipolar disorder? Such an approach by the industry can simplify the processes of care for people who tend to slip into mental illness. On the other hand, if those who live crisis episodes were treated each time as new cases, when moving away from a situation of normality can be encouraged to recover their initial state. It is not that short, that the type of de-stigmatization "that invites the public to accept the existence of permanent disability - such as the model for the athletes of Special Olympics - is always good for people with a mental illness, because it could weaken the effort to restore them to normality and, in turn, reinforce the idea of \u200b\u200btherapy as a simple 'maintenance' acceptance of patients as in need of constant care. Personally, I think it could be argued that those who depart from the way people think 'healthy' they do it often, perhaps unconsciously, voluntarily. The structure of thinking of a schizophrenic may offer a way out: If the circumstances become liable to bring him to an intolerable burden on the existential level, in some cases he may find a flight leaving that irrational thoughts are typical of schizophrenia govern his mind. It's a little 'as the reverse process to awaken from a dream, when a lively but irrational thinking is replaced by a rational but less imaginative. If the status of an individual's mental abnormality, that can be described as a case of illness, is seen as the result of a choice, then There is one more chance to reduce or remove the abnormality itself.
the poster 08/08/2006
Fear of the
Rossana Rossanda
I share the anger of Angelo d'Orsi towards those accused of anti-Semitic any criticism of the choices of the Israeli government. It does not happen against any other country. Nor was it ever happened before the 70s. Neither the accusation comes from a person who has suffered the racial laws and the deportation, if it escaped the death camps. I think there is needed the Six Day War and a real generational change, even more than some of the extreme left slip 70s, forget the tragic in the sense of self by the Jews, are episodes that can be counted on the fingers of one hand. While it is not acceptable to the suspicion that some new members of the Jewish community continued to throw up every word said by the left that does not endorse the occupation of the territories, nor the unilateralism of the withdrawals and walls, or the war on Lebanon, while opening with enthusiasm the doors to the heirs of the right, including fascists.
D'Orsi also right nell'infastidirsi of silence with which we let go these accusations, as if we have to be ashamed of something, we the only ones who have fought with the Jews. If the workers' movement and communist anti-Zionist is to the origins it was for reasons opposed to discrimination, because it considered all matters ancillary to beat the national capital. But that thought also Rosa Luxemburg and her German friends, the many Jews of Polish Bund, those who were part of the management team and even Stalinist Leninist until the postwar period. Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism were by no means the same thing. As for Italy, where the racial laws passed without any real protests of anti-fascists, it was because they could not express. Anti-fascism then unified all, my generation is coming up, if anything, the reluctance to distinguish between religions and ethnic groups, the appreciation of the differences is the stranger, that is, if ever, criticized. He hit those like me need to go back to their roots after the defeat of 1968, which was probably about universalism. Increased in the perception of many young people have survived the fate of their parents or grandparents. For those who went in search of roots in Judaism there was a big "plus", the discovery of a wisdom tradition that gave many a new dimension of living.
rise in the years because the accusation of anti-Semitism is on the whole stupid, I think now woven into a story and suffering far greater than the noise of a Giuliano Ferrara. Them are aware of Israel's sense of being in an eternal danger to which he can not answer that with the force weapons, preventive war and the protection of the United States, making a fatal error to the countries that surround it. Angelo d'Orsi letter speaks of a young Lebanese, I'm in my eyes almost the same words in the email of a very young and I loved Israel, and both are afraid of the other one in the country . They are young, born there, and know little of how it arrived at this latest tragedy. The Lebanese have experienced the cruel Israeli invasion, and then the Syrian occupation and is terrified by the offensive conduct of Israel out of all the rules of war, with lots and lots of destruction and civilian casualties, which is called strikes against Hezbollah and her among the Lebanese, and not be stopped by anyone. The Israeli
centuries of denial and suffering, came to the Shoah, he learned in school that the Arabs who surround his country have never accepted the existence, Israel's borders with Iran and is infinitely larger, Ahmadjnejad contiue to repeat some of his friends died in the attack by Palestinian suicide bombers and she counted the last month the missiles of Hezbollah. Neither woman is able to imagine the other. I am terrified. The same thought in Israel Friends of Peace Now and men whom we admire as Yehoshua, Grossman and Amos Oz even: they think that "war is the right time" - although it seems that as a "warning to the Lebanese people is enough." Meanwhile, that of 1967 was over in six days, while Hezbollah now hold his head more than three weeks to one of the most experienced armies in the world. He goes to explain the escalation of events and the mechanism of reprisals and to one another. Going to make it clear to my young friend Israel that Israel is occupying Palestine for almost forty years and has made young people of that, the most educated and secular in the Middle East, which have never been a day off, that followers of a fundamentalist expresses anger. It should make her understand that Arabic is now a victim of fundamentalism that belonged only to small groups, before his country's policy in Palestine, then Afghanistan and then in the American invasion of Afghanistan and then Iraq's multiply, multiply the current war as well as Hezbollah. It should make her understand that these did not exist before 1982. Neither suicide bombers during the first Intifada. Go to persuade her that the acceptance by Israel of Palestinian statehood would have pulled the plug for decades that poisons the Middle East, and forget the fact that Israel has been installed there by force by Western powers to ensure that somehow the Jews by a new Holocaust that we, in Europe, we were alone to blame. Installed in a world that the Holocaust was required to know anything, let alone the promised land of a few thousand years ago by an unknown God known. And from those who were expelled for two thousand years had worked there. Go and let her know today that Israel was young overcome distrust of neighbors, or at least after the Six Day War to keep those resolutions that the UN now calls against the Lebanese. Luciana Castellina
few weeks ago, wrote in these columns: I fear for Israel. I'm not afraid for his life, we all defend at all costs. I'm afraid of suffering that Israel imposes and requires a spiral of errors. It makes me feel that the farmer says with resignation: "Well, that Israel must live by the sword, live by the sword," but it fills me with anger Claude Lanzmann, the film about the Holocaust, in Le Monde that protest because Israel has been accused to exaggerate in Lebanon. As Israel does not exaggerate, can not exaggerate the blood made payable to the Jews will never be enough to offset more blood - Jews were affected so that their country has all rights and no duties to others. Dementia as those words are the Iranian president, reciprocal of one another. But the Prime Minister Olmert is doing. And as Sharon does not realize not only hate that you pull on me, but that is a strategic error. Rabin was murdered and forgotten.
of this unfortunate spiral agitation of the Italian Jewish community is a laughable piece. But it's true - raison d'Orsi - that we should stop to be quiet because the tangle is complicated and more recently the loss of innocence of our country. The stakes are too high, the danger of too much burning, blackmail too stupid. We must say loud and clear that the Israeli government is wrong. That you must stop. That the American administration is his most dangerous ally and adviser. That the international community has been far too indulgent. And if there is a discontinuity that urges the government for the center is this. Support them.
Agi 08/08/2006
Rome, August 8 - The right to care, to be cared for feel good, it must be ensured at all: you close the asylums is not to deny the existence of mental illness that there 'exists and must be addressed by building adequate facilities with qualified personnel. The game required by the poet Edoardo Sanguineti and directed the Turkish Health Minister Livia, found in the senators and Tiziana Paola Binetti Valpiana that are part of the Healthcare Commission 'of the Senate, attention and consideration. Our country does not have a 'IRCCS' (Institute for accommodation and care of a scientific nature) dedicated solely to research and study, treatment and care of mental illness, has a ratio of beds per 10 000 population of 1.72 against a European average of 2.25, compared with 301 public buildings with 4108 beds (0.78 per 10 000 inhabitants) and 8058 workers, has, however, 'of 54 private nursing homes with 4862 beds (0.94 per 10 000 inhabitants) and 2384 operators. "Having closed the asylums - Binetti explains - is not to deny the reality 'of mental illness: you have to call 180 without falling into the hands of the ideological disputes' cause in the 26 years since the entry into force of the law has changed many things, from the criteria diagnosis to treatment. " And Valpiana states: "mental suffering there ', there is and must be addressed with targeted interventions to the health of the person, the closeness to reality' of the person." So, put a hand to 180 is 'what's left'? "If it 's at the time was right to close the mental hospitals - says the poet Sanguineti - and now' is also right to do adequate health facilities for treatment and care 'cause the citizen has the right to care, to feel good as required by the Constitution, not to be a burden to whether, to his family and to society'. E 'beyond words' of pure ideological disputes and unnecessary time to review the law 180. "Those who suffer from mental illness if not actual mental illness need the place dedicated to the treatment and care - concludes Sanguineti - I call it what you want but that place has to be done and made available for use for those who suffer." (AGI) Pat
Agi 08/08/2006
Rome, August 8 - I closed the asylums (or rather, the psychiatric hospitals) in 1978, were introduced in the DSM, the 'mental health departments', then a regional network of services centers, mental health (CSM) to psychiatric services for diagnosis and treatment (SPDC), the day- hospital (Dh) to residential (RS) to daycare (Cd), with a maximum of 16 beds. Then, completed in 1999, the closing of mental hospitals, the 'patient' occurs in 262 SPDC (which has 3431 beds, beds for 13.1 SPDC) in the 23 CPU (University Psychiatric Clinic with 399 beds, at 17 , 3 perstruttura) in the 16 CSM-24 (10 in 6 in Friuli and Campania, with 98 beds) and 54 nursing homes private agreement (with CDC 4862 posts bed). As for admissions, were (2001) 103260 in 292 public buildings for a total of 1,227,676 days of hospitalization: 54 in CDC were 35,880 admissions with 1,252,049 days. The report admissions / number of people hospitalized in the range from 1.34 to 1.45 in the SPDC CPU up to 1.66 in the CSM-24h, while in this CDC report came in at 1.55. "The fact that the Minister has entered the Turkish mental illness at the top of the priority 'to deal demonstrates its seriousness' - says Michele Tansella psychiatrist who heads to Verona one of three WHO Collaborating Centre for Psychiatry - Italy needs to structures highly qualified: we do not have a single Irccs to take care of mental illness. " And Tansella launches a proposal: "We must proceed in the planning and reconstruction of services, but according to scientific evidence: that is to be carried out only those models that have proven effectiveness and functionality 'experience." Therefore, the organizational model, built in the wake of 180 and often as an example, is full of revealing cracks and criticality '. "The 180 and 'the real taboo' to be discredited: no one wants to talk, nobody has the courage to act - says Binetti - a delicate and thorny issue: that the time and say 'now ripe to review the 180, the light of scientific progress made in recent years on knowledge, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. " The argument, in short, 'the agenda of the Commission itself. "You can earmark the proceeds of the sale of mental hospitals for the construction of facilities and services, training of staff to achieve - said the Valpiana - the closeness to reality 'of the people and' indispensable to guarantee the right to treatment". A work of restyling of the 180, then. "The important thing 'that we start to put the issue on the agenda", concludes Binetti and Valpiana and' sure 'you will find the best solutions and more' effective 'cause it guarantees the right to cure. " (AGI) Pat 081647 August 2006
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