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Il Giornale 07/08/2006
My father Heidegger and the Third Reich
critical positions the last master of European philosophy on National Socialism, War, Resistance, told in an extraordinary interview by his son Hermann, editor of the Journal of Heidegger's legacy. Also reveals an unusual glimpse of family life
Julius Milani

an excerpt from the "resistance of thought 'my father, an interview with Hermann Heidegger published in the July-August New Story Contemporary, on sale in recent days.

The house where he lives Hermann Heidegger is a modern two-storey house in very similar houses that populate the rest of the piece of countryside between the ridges of the Jura and Fribourg. The garage is floor, the back door, and large French windows on the upper floor overlooking the meadows and cultivated fields stretching to the slopes of a pine forest wiped out, the beginning of the Black Forest. Here Dr. Heidegger now divides his time between work in regard to the administration of complex literary heritage and boundless paternal and affectionate company of Jutta, the woman he married after the war. (...) Heidegger's wife takes his leave almost immediately, he is standing beside the table. His eyes are blue, her hair white. It has a stature in the media, and speaks with a friendly tone. (...) It seems comfortable and well laid out, smiles and waits patiently for the dispatch of final preparations. Only little before the light on the recorder to come on his face becomes suddenly stopped and almost inscrutable, in a manner reminiscent of his past more than any other officer.
What happened when he was called to arms?
"I was a career officer who wanted out of the shadow of his father. Since the years of high school and then university was not simply the son of the famous philosopher. I was never able to be myself. So I decided to choose only a profession and to follow in the footsteps of my maternal grandfather, also a career officer. "
In war you had the rank of officer?
"Yes, I was official. In 1941, during the Russian campaign, I was helping battalion. I spent two years at the military hospital and two more at home as a Training Officer in the schools. In 1944 I returned to the front in Lithuania as the regimental adjutant. "
On which fought against at the beginning of war?
"I fought here in the west of France participating in the campaign. Then in the Balkans and in the summer of 1941 in southern Russia, Ukraine to the Dnieper. (...)
How did the Russian army?
"The young officers knew to be in front at that 'Bolshevik army that had lost the battles in Finland.
believed therefore that it was easy. We were wrong. The Russians fought with courage and tenacity, even if brutally forced from their commissioners. I personally participated in the counterattack in Ukraine and I saw hundreds of Russian soldiers killed. From behind, they were constantly forced to attack: it was a terrible battle. "
How do you explain this resistance? Was the product of a totalitarian regime or the reason lay in the fact that it was primarily to defend their homeland?
"Both. The Soviets have done an excellent popular propaganda convincing many citizens. Stalin was their great Führer Hitler as it was for us. There existed the same brutal repression of any thoughts not in keeping with policy regime. In these cases, however, the Soviets were even more ruthless. Executed with ease, you just move back. We also happen that you do not kill people maintained its stance, but they were sporadic cases, the cowardice before the enemy had to be precisely clear. " (...)
In 1937, she has not entered the National Socialist Party. Then he was a boy, how do you explain this decision?
"I was a scout, and the role I am very excited, but in 1933 there was the dissolution of the group and we were forced to enter the Jungvolk, a fraction of the Hitler Youth who welcomed children from ten to fourteen years. The Governing Body of the Jungvolk was very clever. I became the first leader of a group of fourteen children, twelve former scouts and two others from the Catholic League, "New Germany."
We kept doing the same things, team games, evening meetings, trips in the Schwarzwald, long voyages. It was not difficult to Jungvolk passion - and a year later I was already risen in rank. How Jungzugführer command of fifty boys, still a year later I was Fähnleinführer two hundred young people. Since 1934 when my parents insisted that I should not see everything in a positive way, for me it was very difficult to change his mind. Even my parents, just before, in 1933, had welcomed Hitler's rise to power to see it as something good. But just a year after they were lined up against. The same thing happened in the case Gröber archbishop, a friend of my father's father, or Niemöller or the Count of Stauffenberg - all people who entered early in the Resistance. "
How did it go?
"In 1937, I was urged by Fähnleinführer to join the party, then it was already possible to seventeen years. In the meantime, I managed to take seriously my parents, and refused the offer. The decision about my future career lies precisely in this period. " (...)
What were the rumors that were circulating in your home before the war?
"My parents were very skeptical and critical of the policy. Now you just need to reread the lessons taught by my father to discern in all its criticism of developments in Germany. Sure, he was a conservative critique, as the people who spoke out against the Third Reich, Hitler or the Nazis, were arrested and taken easily. "
was so even before the war?
"Yes. The Gestapo came into my father's house for the first time in 1935. Requesting information about some of his students who in their opinion had been influenced by him, because they were expressed in a critical way. At that time the caution was a must, if you do not want to end up in court or disappear in some concentration camp on charges of conspiracy, which was at war called "corruption of Wehrmacht". " (...)
What were the feelings with which he left Russia?
"I felt a sense of relief and release because I left that system. But there was compassion towards the poor. I never hated the Russians as men and saw that the people suffered because of this simple system. For the Russian soul and its culture so I have great sympathy and understanding. Today, as administrator of the inheritance of my father, I have relations with Russia, and also recently had dinner with two Russians interested in Heidegger. I mean I do not feel any kind of aversion to the Russian people. Regarding the Bolshevik system, my opinion has always been negative. At the time of Hitler in 1939, negotiates with the Russians suddenly, in my diary I put the following question: "How is this possible with these people?". So I did not realize that our own system - from the perspective of the system - was very similar to the Bolsheviks. " (...)
He said he had reviewed the pact between Hitler and the Bolsheviks, then, critically. What did you think when Germany attacked Russia?
"Before he started the campaign in Russia had been before the Soviet attack on Finland, the occupation of the Baltic states and Bessarabia. The Bolshevism was taking over by force of many small civilized peoples. As a historian, and in light of what the Russian archives there are read today, there is no doubt that if Hitler had not attacked in Central Europe would have done Stalin. And as man army
this argument to convince me fully. The Russia was not prepared for a defensive war, but to attack. This is demonstrated by all the provisions of the Russian and the first great battles of encirclement: advancing to attack. Although today there are publications that confirm the army of historians, among scholars in Germany remains a moot point. Some - and really have the blinders! - Both suffer the thought of the generation post-war period that his biases.
They believe that the blame for the war was only to Hitler. Of course, Hitler is definitely responsible, it was he who started the war in Poland and Russia, but I repeat that in Russia it was a preemptive strike. "
When he returned home from prison he spoke with his brother or father of your experiences?
"I spoke with my father. I told him the story experienced. He was struck by the evidence that I had to bear. My father had a heart "military". " (...)
talk about literature with your father?
"No. My father was a hard worker and when we were young we saw him only for lunch and dinner. For the rest of the day he was retired and worked. Criticized because it often happened that I came to the table was talking too much, I had to keep my mouth shut. "
The reproach was your father?
"No, my mother was calling the shots. At the table with us, it was almost always in silence, my father's philosophy and also reflected during meals.
was also interested in what were his children, and asked us one or the other thing. When I had some difficulties in Latin or greek after dinner, I could get from him in the study. I help build Latin with difficult words. He knew everything. "
What was your relationship after the war?
"When I returned from the prison I started to do some work for him, typing letters or yields of the things he needed. It often happened that we were we to argue, but we never talked about philosophy. "

And in a postscript to the revelation: "I am the heir, but he was not my father"
Alessandra Iadicicco

difficult to melt by the attraction irresistible, magnetic, "shamanic" of Martin Heidegger. More so if one bears his name. A Hermann Heidegger, the second last of the charismatic teacher thought of the twentieth century, was unable to escape the imposing shadow of his father: even changing the road, changing process studiorum, changing her clothes and starting nl'uniforme ico for the campaign of Russia at the cost of ending up in Soviet prison camps. "All my life I have heard on the greatness of my father," he confessed in the first conversation on Heidegger ( Last edited by shaman Gnoli Antonio and Franco Volpi, Bompiani, pp. 137, € 6.80), So I chose a path as far away from philosophy. " But neither conscription in the Wehrmacht at the outbreak of World War II, nor his capture of an infantry officer prisoner in Soviet labor camps until '47, nor the studies made in the post-war history the great Gerhard Ritter, teaching in the school, military career continued DIRI Office look and the Chief of Staff of the army until the 60s, Professor Heidegger Jr. turned away from the duty to pay tribute to the stature of the branch maître Heidegger Sr. For over three decades, from before the death of his father - in 1976 - and the prodigal son returning officer is officially the editor of Heidegger's legacy. Martin Heidegger was the same one responsible to appoint and absolute posthumous heir of his work that had just come of age as a model maternal grandfather, Prussian officer, and had gone to the front. It was not dictated by a coup father. Hermann was, indeed, to convince the influential parent to devote his unprecedented publication. It was a purely military matter that dissuaded him from closing percent'anni in store as he wanted, "Dad said," If in the future Europe will be devastated by nuclear war, who knows if anything will remain in your philosophy. " Only now, only a year or so, you know what mature adult, free subjections was his decision to assume such a responsibility. Hermann Heidegger is not the son of Heidegger. In July 2005, admitted in a note all'epistolario parents published last year in Germany that "legitimate child, born In 1920, Martin Heidegger Elfride, aged less than 14 years I learned from my mother that my father was actually his childhood friend, Dr. Friedel Caesar, who died in 1946. " The revelation, he added, the 'free to a weight that oppressed me for 71 years. " The interview referred to on this page offer an excerpt from the full version is published in the extraordinary number of contemporary history New on newsstands tomorrow, was issued to Professor Giulio Dilani April 28, 2003, two years before they unlock the secrets of the house Heidegger. It is a document in many ways exceptional. The witness, full of living history, political opinions, biographical experience, formidable intelligence military, made by a man who, as a joke, son of the teacher wanted the fate of the history of philosophy, politics mocked on suspicion of militancy and completely devoid soldier knew the heir "of military mind."


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