Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why Is The Puzzle Piece A Symbol For Autism?

Il Giornale 16/08/2006
Ingrao gives lesson to Bertinotti: "An error greetings to Castro"
Alessio Garofoli

Rome. No, no debate, one might say, citing the young Moretti I am a self-sufficient. After a stomach ache caused by the refinancing of the mission in Afghanistan and those, expected soon, for sending our troops to Lebanon, Rifondazione is shaken by another controversy. And this time it's Fidel Castro, not just an imaginary character from the second floor of the red people.
Pietro Ingrao, a noble of the fathers of the left and the first communist to preside over the Assembly of Deputies,
yesterday sent another letter to the newspaper of the PRC, Liberation, in which clearly takes the distances moved by the good wishes sent to the leader Caribbean by his successor as president of the Chamber, Fausto Bertinotti and Franco Giordano, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. "As a militant of the Communist Refoundation feel the need - Ingrao write - to express my dissent from the message that these days the president Bertinotti and partner Jordan also sent to Fidel Castro.
From time to think that Cuba is in implement a system of heavy dictatorship, which has committed serious acts of repression of the right to dissent and freedom of opinion, on the island by establishing a climate of harsh bondage. Maybe I'm wrong - he concludes - but I think you just know that the situation in Cuba there are major differences of opinion in the PRC. "
A position which is not surprising, actually. Think about the unflattering opinion that the dean of Italian communism gave Aldo Cazzullo the Commander in Chief, "When (Fidel, ed) took over a month I spent in Cuba Castro I did not like at all. He talked for hours, without ever listening. "
Ingrao's letter is likely to open a wound in the souls of many where our own compañeros talks about the different ideas in the PRC on Fidel and his regime. The editor of Liberation, in fact, not denied. Premise in his reply that "the review by Pietro Ingrao always counts a lot. Especially on issues such great and general:
like the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom, rule of dictatorship regime, "Piero Sansonetti reiterates that the congratulatory message to Castro Bertinotti and Giordano is consistent with the policy that has always Rifondazione expressed on Cuba "A line of great respect, of course, for the revolution and many of its values \u200b\u200band the struggle that Cuba has had to bear, in the almost 50 years, the continuous attack against the United States - continued Sansonetti - but with a severe criticism for the very strong limits to freedom and the conduct of democratic politics and for each act of repression and punishment of dissent,
or violation of human rights. This criticism of the PRC has also expressed formally in the classrooms parliamentarians. " Neither Fidel
with or against him, seems to understand. Then the editor of Liberation concludes: "Of course he is right Ingrao: PRC live in quite different opinions on Cuba and Castroism. Bertinotti and Giordano, for example, have said many times not to be convinced that Castro's experience can be paid in full, as was the Soviet regime or the history of the Bulgarian Communist Party. " And the impression that
Ingrao has told the truth is supported by Elettra Deiana, vice chairman of the Defence Committee of the Chamber. The MEP Trotskyist Rifondazione remembers always criticized the 'experiences related to the authoritarian Soviet statehood. " The real problem, says Deiana, invests the nature of the Cuban regime, which she does not consider either Democrat or "participated". While the charge is excessively polemical letter Ingrao, the deputy admits to agree with it. Although physiological
that the debate remains open, since Castroism is "an experience that has spanned the history of the Left." In any case, Deiana is convinced that Cuban society is vital and could find itself the power to evolve, and could therefore "hostile to any transmission-directed (by the United States, ed) of democracy." At least on this, in PRC are all in agreement.


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