Monday, August 28, 2006

Gummy Bears In Blue Package Dancing

Headlines 08/28/2006 The Republic
is why I am proud to be Socialist Giuliano Amato

Freedom and equality: the idea is not to close has won

Marxist analysis as a science, the tragic consequences of communism, the difference between right and left
I feel the need to claim those features of identity, they do recognize that socialism more pluralistic in the left and rights now in the Statist yesterday
are so socialist and proud of it. But for this I am ready to confuse my identity with that of many others in Italy, Europe and the world

Dear Editor: The article by John Lloyd, "What does it mean socially defined," published by day ago "La Repubblica", addressed to the socialist classic existential question, but after so many years and many changes in what is your identity? Are you really sure that you can still be considered a socialist, because now instead of liberalizing the economy nationalized reduce public pensions and private retirement and make room to do your instances that once would have considered moderate and those of others? You are - it is clear - an admirable force for progress in European societies today and you are fighting for values \u200b\u200band principles shared by all. But the vision that you offer, pluralism, solidarity, democratic environmentalism and passion that characterize today you, and not only you, can really bring them to your "pride" socialist?
I understand the questions, and share the port that they want to wear. But as an old socialist reformer, who has always fought against authoritarian and statist views in various ways prevailed in my family policy during the twentieth century, I feel the need to claim those features of identity, that socialism they do recognize in the left most rights and pluralism of today, in the statism of the past. It is, moreover, of its original features, because the great aspiration of which the Socialist movement was able to get historical interpreter, the aspiration to equality, was genetically linked to liberty, the sacred expressed desire of many to have that good - the freedom - of which only few had enjoyed previously. The
I know that, because of the prevailing ideologies and movements in socialist equality and freedom have come to oppose, so as to make the "liberal socialism" is an oxymoron long cultivated by a minority and looked even by more (the family) as a surrender to the class enemy. But the truth of things is that oxymoron, in fact, we started and we finally returned to it after the reasons of those errors have proven most, if not real tragedies, and they themselves have come to accept the postulates.
In the story, from the Greeks until the French Revolution, equality had always been to meter the freedoms and rights. And to achieve this equality had always meant to get to share the rights and freedoms from which it was previously excluded. Aspiration was not different, indeed it was only larger and more diffuse than that found its roots in 800 the hardness of the emerging industrial capitalism and the exploitation persisted in the countryside. And that was before the shocking news of that time who took the body up to prevail, ideologies that compromised the historic link between equality and freedom, assuming total new social organizations that equality would be achieved through the uniform treatment provided from and to the detriment then freedom. All this would happen - it means - in the name of a "greater" freedom and the principle - undeniable - that really extend to the many freedoms of the few feasible operation is not purely and simply extending the existing arrangements: education at all it is not from ' taking a stake in all families, it is by 'creating the public school.
But the hubris of ideology (not just socially) of the time was that it went far beyond the design of future society of equality. And home-socialist elements of analysis and interpretation of history provided by Marx, undoubtedly formidable, however, became much more, became a science that claims to be imposed on the same story and develop it according to rules which, if well known and implemented without error , would lead to the desired results. In such a science was inspired by communism, but it was not immune either deterministic and bureaucratic social democracy, which, not coincidentally, was opposed by Bernstein, remembering that history is directed towards purposes, but the movement is nourished when you need to get off trying to have a compass.
It took more than a century because Bernstein was right with him and receiving all the socialists who had seen and saw the potential for unacceptable power, party, bureaucracy and state, which arose mainly setting: with tragic consequences if that potential was published under the communist regimes, with distorting effects, uneven and wasteful of resources when it was published in nationalization and advertised carpet in social contexts. Of course it is to prevail today are the liberal-socialist postulates oxymoron: the history is not guided by scientific rules, but is driven by actions and interactions on the outcome unpredictable, no one can expect to realize a future already written, ensure freedom for those who did not mean to put it in terms of walking on its legs and not nunc et semper him from guardian angel, the publicity is not a form of defense against the antitrust private power in the economy necessarily better.
not the sunset, is the victory of socialism, I am led to say. And I want to read that way, otherwise you risk what they Lloiyd falls and also to see that fade at this point, the most significant differences between left and right. Lloyd says: At this point I do not expect you to be striking differences, I expect solidarity, integrity and respect for the rule of law "in so far" greater "than from the right. Something is missing in this reading, there is no perception of what was and can only be basic compass of socialists: the freedom to most and not for the few. Follow this compass can also lead to differences in most cases are seen as quantitative. But there is undeniably something more.
Sure, I can not but be aware of the history or the fact that history always pay, not so much, not only the communist history, which is not that of my socialism, as the history of social democracy itself, very relevant for the part where this came to identify with a role in the economy, which especially after the crisis of '29, also had different inspirations, produced positive effects of stabilization, but is now largely passed. Such identification is still weighing on the identity socialist, certainly weighs about reading that others give, and then on his own attractiveness. On the other hand, the liberal socialism, because of its historical and even undeserved minority, could never be enough by itself to achieve the goal of "equal liberty". Must keep separate and away from individualistic emphases that poison the society of our time and needs to know this bind the movement, usually of a religious, strongly oriented to collective solidarity and responsibility towards others. With them and with them not only must also create a network, anywhere in the world, freedom equal to the root and the mature face, cutting the grass under their feet, not only the traditional factors of exploitation and marginalization, but also to populism and radical ideologies that, in the name of emancipation, threaten to produce new and old slavery and to destabilize the world. I am therefore
socialist and proud of it. But for this I am ready to confuse my identity with that of those who, in the context of the new century, in Italy and Europe, Europe and the world, could help to realize the oxymoron to me I've always believed.

Republic 28/08/2006
He lost his sight nine years ago and discovered a natural talent
now restored villas in Hollywood and on television programs leads
Eric B., architect blind signature case-masterpiece
of Alessandro Vitale

through the space, listen to the noises, echoes, feel the energy of objects. The light hands sliding down the walls, then the decision: here we throw down a wall, here we do an open space, there we get two steps to create a little ' motion, and please take off the door otherwise blocks the flow of energy. Eric Brun-Sanglard is the designer who builds the houses look at the stars (like Penelope Cruz, who has just bought his former house of Devlin Drive), furnishes the most beautiful gardens in the Los Angeles area, decide where on the porch whisper to the Japanese-inspired fountains and fences that anyone who understands the original two square feet of meadow is a fight for them. And then upholstery, finishes, colors, gradients, shadows and lights, and above all a clear idea. A detail: Brun-Sanglard is blind.
"To learn to see, I had to lose his sight." E 'success nine years ago, because of cytomegalovirus by HIV. Up then, Eric - was born in Chamonix and "emigrant" in the U.S. - was approximately between Paris, New York and Los Angeles and worked as creative director in the advertising campaigns of the great house of perfumes, Chanel, Hermes, Dior and Lancome. Then, calamity. And the need to refocus their lives.
When he lost his sight, he had almost finished restructure its home in the hills of Los Angeles, a villa of the fifties. And a blind man, has completed the work, realizing they have a natural talent for interior decoration works for the perception and organization of space, and a subtle taste trained in previous years.
become blind, he was awarded visibility, famous for his "touch", which has often resulted in spectacular creations or of great value, such as the conversion of a house in Beverly Hills in the sixties a Balinese-style retreat. "Everything is possible - says on its website - this is my approach to the challenge. Just unlock the potential of an area and what surrounds it."
"The only one who does not know that Eric is blind, it's just Eric," said film producer, and his client, Richard Klug. And designer Peter Dunham, who accompanied him during a survey, tells of "a feeling that allows him to 'see' space, room after room."
He turns around, asks that you describe the room, keep walking, "Estimated" weights and measures using the echo and his own body as an instrument of measurement. "Note the small details - Notes Dunham - other than to escape, is extraordinary." Next, the perception becomes concrete fact. Eric notes the length by counting steps, using devices that "read" the colors and especially a drafting table that "translates" the plans in braille.
the media a story like his could not escape. Brun-Sanglard led tv shows (Extreme Makeover Home Edition, How Do They Do That?), Was the guest of several interviews in addition to American and international press, the Los Angeles Times Libération. Time (started Aug. 5) is grappling with Designing Blind, on U.S. channel A & E, half-hour episodes in which the sixth call in apartments and then reveals them to owners stunned. One way to supplement its reputation but also, he says, for example. "To all a bad thing can happen in life that puts you immediately limits. But the limits may be an opportunity."


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