Sunday, August 20, 2006

Kate Playground Harcore

the poster 8/20/2006
Günter Grass
The Nazi leaders at the front Western
American Stock Eichmann, Globke, Gehlen were rescued by the Americans in the name of the Cold War and the Reconstruction of West Germany, closely allied to the United States
Fabrizio Tonello

In completely Orwellian world of the Corriere della sera Aug. 12 just a few inches of lead, the front page, separating the Editoral fashionable preaching a return to torture by Günter Grass contemptuous critic who mocked the claim of the latter to exercise any moral teaching. In other words, who at 17 was part of a military unit SS without ever having done any crime, nor have been engaged in combat, should refrain from giving public lectures on ethics in government, lessons that should be given, however, by supporters of torture which, or in 17 years or older, have never read (or understood) Cesare Beccaria.
There is something slightly disgusting, smelly, orgy of hypocrisy from statements of Günter Grass, 12 August. Ignorant of history, journalists shamelessly, envious hacks and historians have cast improvised on the tempting prey without bothering to verify the information found in any good history book of the Second World War.
begin by understanding what it was in the SS division which is owned by the writer between 10 November 1944 and 8 May 1945, when he was captured by the Americans in Czechoslovakia. The 10th SS Panzer Division "Frundsberg" was a unit of newly-established that after suffering harsh losses in Russia, was transferred to Normandy after the landing of allied troops June 6, 1944. After fierce fighting in the Falaise pocket and other defensive operations was moved to Holland, where he suffered more heavy losses and only 18 Nov. '44 came to Aachen for a period of rest and replenishment of the ranks. The postcard arrived in Grass precept at this stage, when much of the strength of the division consisted of young soldiers who needed training. In fact, the writer states that he was never involved in combat. In January '45 the "Frundsberg" was moved to upper course of the Rhine, for a reserve force, February 10 and returned on the Eastern Front, where, after a month of hard fighting was forced to retreat beyond 's Oder at Stettin. In mid-April was in Dresden, where the master Harmel, for his refusal to execute the orders of Hitler, was dismissed. The remains of the "Frundsberg" is handed to the Americans, on May 8, '45.
Grass, therefore, was not truly voluntary in the SS (at 15 years was asked to serve in the most romantic and exotic military units, submarines) and when he arrived the call did not have to undergo any test of loyalty to Nazism: the Waffen SS, from '44, recruited all they could, including the very young, to replenish their ranks decimated. The same Joachim Fest, one of the harshest critics of Grass in Germany, said that he enlisted in the army 'to escape conscription into the SS. " Grass not served as a guard in a concentration camp, he did military career, let alone in the Nazi party. His only sin was to be the charm of the uniforms, like millions of her peers.
look, however, the case of three Germans whose fate was very different from its own high officials of the Nazi party, directly involved in the slaughter, were rescued by the Americans in the name of the Cold War and the Reconstruction of West Germany a faithful ally to the U.S.. The first is that of Adolf Eichmann, an architect of the "Final Solution of the Jewish problem ', whose papers are deposited in the National Archives U.S. (XE004471 identification number). The documents show that the CIA had identified Eichmann in Argentina since at least '58, but he looked from providing information about the criminal war against Israel, which would have tracked down, brought to Jerusalem, tried and sentenced to death in 1962. Why
Eichmann, the CIA protected? It seems that he has done to protect Hans Globke, the security adviser National German Chancellor Adenauer. And who was Globke? A Nazi who had worked in the Jewish Affairs department and that he was probably involved in the same process of racial laws. Far from Ace prosecuted or banned from public office, Globke had been integrated into a position of high responsability Government of the Federal Republic. Günter Grass, moreover, recalls in his interview that the judge who condemned the shooting brief his uncle Franz, who was arrested in Gdansk, he continued his career in the judiciary in Germany after the war. And finally there is the case of General Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi intelligence chief, who at the end of the war was simply taken by the Americans to continue what he knew best: espionage in the East. Gehlen worked undisturbed for decades for the new masters and to West Germany despite his responsibilities during the Second World War. The information about him have been kept secret for 50 years and only since May 2004 have become available in the National Archives (Record Group 319, Entry 134A, 144A-147 Boxes). They were honest patriots three, three people forced to work to feed the family? This is the specious argument put forward by Fest in the interview with Republic. On the contrary, Eichmann, and Gehlen Globke deserved to be tried in Nuremberg together with those hundreds of other lower-level Nazi who escaped the capture by the Vatican and the United States, often via the port of Genoa. The admirers of the Bush administration, the scribes and Pharisees who tear their clothes upon hearing the word "SS" have never heard the saying about biblical speck in the other, to compare with the beam in your own?

Il Giornale 20/08/2006
Dostoevsky between crime, punishment and philosophy
Joseph Cantarano

You can speak of a "philosophy" of Dostoyevsky? If we adhere strictly to the semantics of the term, obviously not. Dostoevsky is a writer. He told stories. Yet, many people who immortalized in his stories, in their own way are "philosophers." Ivan Karamazov, for example. Or father Zosima. And the same Versilov de L'adolescent. Not to mention the man of the soil. All figures through which Dostoevsky's philosophy has launched a real challenge. At
which philosophy can not escape. We think the issue of freedom and responsibility, evoked by the Grand Inquisitor. Or nihilism, envisaged by the "death of God."
Who has not taken away from this challenge is the philosopher Sergio Givone. That the work of Dostoevsky's has devoted a good book: Dostoevsky and Philosophy (Yale University Press, pp. 165, € 18). Beautiful and important. Because in this book demolishes some philosophical convictions Givone we thought quietly acquired.
talked of nihilism, for example. A keyword of contemporary philosophy, almost a reflex associated with the name of Nietzsche. Instead - he says Givone - Dostoevsky makes a diagnosis much more profound phenomenon. Unlike Nietzsche. Who had stressed the positive nature and essentially liberating nihilism. Dostoyevsky was entered instead in his heart of darkness. Revealing all the terrible and disturbing ambivalence. Nevertheless, in current fashions, it has become the philosopher Nietzsche's nihilism. While Dostoevsky - of which Nietzsche himself underwent a great fascination - it was almost completely removed. When Nietzsche was able to read, in a French version, Crime and Punishment and The demons said: "I met with my blood brother."
Long before Nietzsche, Dostoevsky spoke of a nihilism that leaves behind its dark destructive impulse. By the middle of his work the unnecessary suffering, death, the innocent suffering, the great Russian writer we spoke of our constitution limits of human beings. Thus inaugurating a new era more sensitive to the values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and sharing a common destiny. But we are sure of this, you ask Givone? This is not instead of a dramatic blunder? When you put Dostoevsky - and takes - the 'school of suspicion ", he can descend into the depths of spirit which has not been able to sink even Nietzsche.
course, Dostoevsky is not a philosopher but a writer. And there Givone repeats several times, in the pages of his book. It is true, however, that the writing of Dostoevsky crossed philosophy. Without, however, lead to it. If philosophy can not be interpretation of reality - the task of science - but question the sense of reality, well, a privileged place in which this sense it is the literature shows. But it is also poetry, art, myth, religion. That is why the philosophy - which is not literature - maintains a close relationship with the literature, notes Givone.
, who, after having spent part of his life reading philosophical novels, decided to write at some point in turn: Fable of the last things in the name of a god and barbaric. Two wonderful novels "philosophical" which shows an unmistakable stamp of Dostoevsky, published by Einaudi in 1998 and 2002. And with these two novels Givone philosophy has helped to give to those materials which, as a philosopher, he was in search of the literature in the enchanted maze.


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